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Q: What is the Filipino moral values?
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What are the moral values of Filipino's?

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What does filipino moral values means?

Moral values refer to any person or group's personal or cultural beliefs and values. "Filipino moral values" implies those values of the Filipino people and culture.

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What is the definition of problems under filipino moral values?

Moral values is a broader expression than culture. However it also a set of beliefs that we learn from our environment. The plus points of Filipino moral values are family orientation, hard work and industry, and faith and religiosity while a few problems are extreme personalize, lack of discipline, and colonialism.

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Devotion to Mama Mary it really affects the strength of Filipino Family by setting a good example and teaching them a good moral and good values to their offspring.

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Filipino personality and values are hospitality, kind and thoughtful.

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What is meant by desirable Filipino values?

Desirable Filipino values are those values that are socially acceptable and have to be cultivated. An example of a desirable Filipino value is respect for elders.

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What is the Filipino moral ideal?

The Filipino moral idea is to bring up a generation that will respect life and be responsible. The Filipino moral idea is all about respecting other people views and being mindful of the society that people live.

What is meant by Filipino values?

they are the values or tradition in the Filipino culture that is distinct from other cultures. an example of it is "pagmamano".