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You're my [ray of] sunshine is an English equivalent of 'Tu es mon rayon de soleil.

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Q: What is the French 'Tu es mon rayon de soleil' in English?
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You are my sunshine on this gloomy morning in french?

tu es mon rayon de soleil dans ce matin glauque

What is 'Vous êtes mon soleil' when translated from French to English?

"You are my sunshine" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase Vous êtes mon soleil. The pronunciation of the pronoun and verb in the second person singular/plural and of the possessive and noun in the masculine singular will be "voo-zet mo so-ley" in French.

How do you say you are my sunlight in french?

Tu es mon soleil

How do you say you are my sun in french?

tu es mon soleil, tu es le soleil de ma vie

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'Oh là là mon coeur de soleil'?

"Oh, my sunny heart!" is just one of many English equivalents of the French phrase Oh lÃ? lÃ?, mon coeur de soleil!Specifically, the interjection oh lÃ? lÃ?!literally is "oh, there, there". The masculine possessive adjective mon means "my". The masculine noun coeur means "heart". The preposition de means "of". The masculine noun soleil translates as "sun".The pronunciation will be "oh lah lah moh kuhr duh soh-ley" in French.

How do you say your my shining sun in french?

Shining Dimanche votre mon soleil brille

How do you say 'you're my sunlight in the morning' in French?

I think it's something like: vous êtes mon soleil le matin." A more correct answer is "Tu es mon soleil du matin" or "Vous êtes mon soleil du matin". We use "tu" when people are close to each other.

What does 'mon soleil' mean?

mon soleil = my sun (ie the sun in the sky)

What is 'mon enfant' when translated from French to English?

Mon enfant in French means "my child" in English.

What is 'mon amour' when translated from French to English?

Mon amour in French is "my love" in English.

How do you say my favorite weather is sunny in french?

"It's sunny" is "Il fait soleil" in French.

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'Mon beau rai de soleil'?

"My beautiful sun's ray" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Mon beau rai de soleil.Specifically, the masculine possessive adjective mon is "my". The masculine adjective beau means "beautiful". The masculine noun rai means "ray". The preposition de means "of". The masculine noun soleiltranslates as "sun".The pronunciation will be "moh boh reh duh soh-leh" in French.