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Stated philosophically, it warns against absolutizing the relative. Stated theologically, it warns against idolatry.

Human allegiance belongs to God. God is beyond nature and history and cannot be equated with either of them or any of their parts. God is the only thing infinite while the world or anything perceivable is finite. In the name of the sovereign God, who transcends all the limitations and distortions of the finite existence, every human claim to absolute truth or finality must be rejected.

Protestants admit that the tendency to absolutize the relative is universal. The chief protestant idolatry has been bibliolatry. Protestants do believe that God speaks to people through The Bible as in no other way. But to elevate the Bible as a book to a point above criticism, to insist that every word and letter was dictated directly by God and so can contain no historical, scientific, or other inaccuracies, is to forget that in entering the world, God's word must speak through human minds that is limited in capacity.

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