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The noble Koran is the book of God revealed by the angel Gabriel to prophet Mohammed (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), it is the word of God to his apostle (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) including everything a Muslim needs in his life, describing everything will happen to him in the hereafter, showing the great favors prepared for believers and the great torture prepared for disbelievers, the Koran is as God says:

"It is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise (God)" Surat Fosselat, Verse 42.

The apostle (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to get it by revelation and when it was coming to him he felt a sentimental status seen by all people around him, after that he says the verses revealed to him by God, soon the people who could read and write amongst his companions receive them and write them down on pieces of leather or bones or stones and add them to each other according to his orders (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), following the instructions of Gabriel, he used to tell him the places of verses when revealed to him. He used to recite all revealed Koran upon him once a year in Ramadan, in the year he died he recited the whole Koran twice upon him in the month of Ramadan, this is among the secrets by which God protects His book.

Some people allege that Prophet Mohammed wrote the Koran by himself, this is a weak plea doesn't depend on a single true evidence. The prophet was an illiterate man, he didn't know how to read or write, he wasn't educated in a university or by teachers, he only left Mecca twice to trade in Syria, he never gone to universities or to learn at nearby towns. Then how did he get the history of previous nations and the news of the following ages and these great legislations that astonish modern scientists as they match the modern actual life? How did he know the most recent scientific theories only discovered nowadays? How did he analyze the human soul and mentioned emotions and obsessions inside man whereas psychology and its theories only appeared at this time?

Many other things also assure that these words are the talk of The Creator and The All Powerful (God).

القرآن هو كتاب الإسلام المقدس تماما كما هو في التوراة اليهودية والكتاب المقدس هو في المسيحية.

القرآن الكريم هو الكتابات المقدسة من الإسلام الذي أنزله الله على النبي محمد أثناء حياته في مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة.

كتبت الآيات كشفت وفصول القرآن على الحجارة، حاء الأشجار والخشب والقماش وغيرها من الأمور المختلفة، واستغرق الوحي مكان في الحالات المختلفة دون أي إشارة.

خلال فترة Rasoolullaah (المناشير)، Maulaana علي (ع) جمعت كل الآيات والفصول في ترتيب الوحي وشكلت شكل كتاب القرآن.

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(Arabic: القرآنal-qur'ān, literally "the recitation"; also sometimes transliterated as Qur'an, Koran, or Al-Qur'an) is the central religious text of Islam.

The Qur'an is Islam's holy book just as the Torah is Judaism's and The Bible is Christianity's.

Quran is the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina.

The revealed verses and the chapters of the Qur'an were written on the stones, bark of trees, wood, cloth and various other things as the revelation took place at various instances without any indication.

During the time of Rasoolullaah (saws), Maulaana 'Ali (as) compiled all the verses and chapters in the order of its revelation and formed a book form of Qur'an.

Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the Word of God delivered by the Archangel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him). During Muhammad's life [PBUH] his secretary wrote down the qur'an as Muhammad uttered it. It was not compiled into one book until after the death of the prophet Mohammad [PBUH.] This book is preserved until today.

The Qur'an is the holy book of the religion of Islam. It is considered a law book, a story book and a book that teaches about the way of life. In the Qur'an many of the stories are similar to the stories from the Bible and the Old Testament. Some chapters are even titled after famous things, happenings or people from the Old Testament and Bible. Some are chapters "Mary", "Joseph", "Jonah", "Lot","Jethro", "Noah", and "Abraham".

QUR'AN Is The Complete Book Of Truth And, Good Things We Should Follow And History Of Islam

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10y ago

The word Quran is an Arabic word that means readable. That which is Read.

Or, The word "Qur'an" in the Arabic Language (القرآن) means recitation.

Quran is the holy book of Muslims. Quran is God's revelation to prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) that started in year 610 AD and continued until year 632 AD (year of prophet Muhammad death).

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12y ago


1876, variant spelling (preferred by scholars) of Koran (q.v.), from Arabic qur'an, lit. "book, reading, recitation," from qara'a "to read."

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

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13y ago

The Quran is God revelations to Prophet Mohamed (peace upon him). These revelations of Quran by God to Prophet Mohamed was through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) and started in year 610 AD when prophet Mohamed was in Mecca (Makkah) and was by then 40 years old. The revelations continued while Prophet was in Both Mecca and Medina (currently in Saudi Arabia) since then and was completed by year 632 AD (year of death of the prophet).

The long period for full revelation of the Quran (around 22 years) allowed the Quran to be fully memorized and documented by many Muslims. It was recited in the mosque by prophet Mohamed during the daily five prayers without single letter change. Many Muslims since then until now are memorizing Quran fully without single letter difference. This explains why Quran remains by God will, and will remain by God will, without single letter change.

Most of authors in the introductory pages of their books apologize for any possible mistake in their work even if it's only a compliment. However, Allah & Allah alone as He is the one who does know everything about everything, challenges to find any discrepancy in His holy book Quran. Quran says:

أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ ۚ وَلَوْ كَانَ مِنْ عِندِ غَيْرِ اللَّـهِ لَوَجَدُوا فِيهِ اخْتِلَافًا كَثِيرًا ﴿٨٢﴾

Meaning English translation:

" Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction. (82)" [Quran, Chapter 4, verse 82]

Refer to related question on what is revealed in Quran.


  • Name Mohamed may be spelled Mohamad, Muhammad, Muhammed, Mohammad, or Mohammed.
  • Quran may be spelled Qura'n, Quraan, Kuran, Kura'n, Kuraan, Koran, Kora'n, or Koraan.
AnswerThe Holy Quran was revealed to Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) by Allah (God) through the Angel Gabriel as the final message of Allah (God) to mankind.

The Holy Quran was written to create a permanent copy of Allah's (God's) final message to mankind after this there would be no more messages from Allah (God). Due the sheer importance of this message, when ever a part of it was revealed to Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peach be Upon Him) it was immediately written almost every time by at least 3 followers of Prophet Muhammad (Peace to be upon him) to create a hard copy in the presence of Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him). It was also immediately memorized by those people. Thus eliminating the chances of it being corrupted by anything and ensuring that what originally was revealed by Angel Gabriel is what exactly is in Quran with no single letter change.

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7y ago

Please see the answer at this Related Question, which deals with many things concerning the Qur'an. (Unfortunately, as I did not write it all, I cannot take credit as an Expert Answerer.)

What are the Islamic Holy Books called?

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13y ago

Quaran Is The holy book for Muslims that has been written by god ( Allah ) himself the quaran shows Muslim what is right and what is wrong .

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11y ago

Qur'an or (قرآن) means "Recitations"

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Mp3 files of the Holy Quran may be found on the following websites: Mp3Quran, All-Quran, Quranic Audio, Shaplus, Quran Central Quran Explorer and even the reputable Amazon.

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For Muslims to recite Quran, occasionally, before or after praying.

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