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Constellations apparently

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Q: What is the Scientific name for the brightest star in Ursa Major?
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What is the scientific name for the big dipper?

the big dipper is ursa major and i believe that would make the little dipper ursa minor

What is the name of the big dipper ursa major that's it?

Ursa Major

Is the big dipper a star of ursa major?

No, the big dipper is the other name for ursa major

Is ursa major right next to the big dipper?

no the big dipper is another name for ursa major

What is the scientific name of the constellation pegasus?

There is no 'scientific' name. It is simply called Pegasus and was one of the 48 constellations named by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Other constellations include Orion, Ursa Major and Andromeda.

What is the name of the big dipper?

Ursa Major

Is there a star called the golden star?

Arcturus, one of the brightest stars seen from earth, is sometimes called The Golden Star. Its name comes from Ancient Greek ????????? (Arktouros) and means "Guardian of the Bear," referring to its position next to the Greater (Ursa Major) and Lesser (Ursa Minor) Bears constellations.

Why was ursa major the constellation given this name?

Ursa Major means "great bear", and the constellation was thought to look like a bear.

What is English name of ursa major?

Ursa Major means The Great Bear, this constellation is also called The Plough or The Big Dipper.

What is the real name for the big dipper?

Ursa Major.

What does ursa mean in latin?

Bear. The scientific name for the grizzly bear is Ursus horribilis.

The story behind ursa major's name?

Ursa Major means the Great Bear. This large constellation incorporates the Big Dipper