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Q: What is the Spanish 'sistema de posicionamiento global' in English?
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Related questions

What is GPS in Spanish?

It's sistema de posicionamiento global.

What is 'global positioning system' in Spanish?

"Sistema de posicionamiento global" is a Spanish equivalent of "global positioning system."

Do more people speak English or Spanish?

English and Spanish have both tied for the amount of native and global speakers. Sometimes it's Spanish over English, sometimes it's English over Spanish, both at one point happened. It usually goes, Mandarin Chinese as a first, Spanish/English as close seconds, and then in third it's either Hindi-Urdu or French.

What are the reasons why American English has dominated the development of global English?

American English has not dominated global English.

What are official language of the world Is there any organization that regconize English as a global language?

Since no organization can claim to represent the whole world, there is no "official" language for the world. The closest such organization would be the United Nations, which uses six official languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, French, and Russian. The use of languages by international organizations is usually related to the number of speakers rather than any "official" status. This is why, for example, English and Spanish have become defacto global standards. English is clearly a global language, but this is merely a measure of its widespread use, not of any official recognition.

What is two pieces of evidence that English is the global?

global warming?

What are the ways in strengthening global understanding?

the use of english strengthing global understanding

What is the global lingua franca?


How do you say global in spanish?

It's pronounced 'glawBAHl'

How do you say global warming in spanish?

Unirse a la lucha contra el calentamiento global

What is the lingua franca of the global economy?


Why English has become global language?

its the best