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Blood transfusions, protection from infection in damaged organs, and possibly the use of newer stimulants to blood formation can save many victims i

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Shyann Murazik

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2y ago
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9y ago

Answer 1:

The same kinds of creams and lotions that one would use on a sunburn, as the tissue injury is similar (although often deeper). But consult your doctor.

Answer 2:

Answer 1, and you can also up your intake and usage of iodine... However, I would consult the doctor on if it is okay to take iodine while still on the treatments. If it is not okay, definitely increase your consumption iodine-rich foods and/or supplements, as well as the application of iodine topical creams, after you are finished with your radiation treatments. It will decrease your recovery time, making you feel better from the treatments sooner. Note that I am speaking of iodine and not radio-iodine (the radioactive isotope of iodine). Iodine is chiefly used for treating radiation poisoning and exposure due to its ability to protect the thyroid gland from the adverse effects of radiation. Iodine is commonly sold in edible salts. Also ask your doctor about Potassium-Iodine, if you are not already prescribed a regular dosage of it.

The thyroid regulates metabolism and calcium balance, while the Thyroid-4 and Thyroid-3 hormones stimulate protein production and oxygen circulation throughout every tissue in the body on the cellular level. Therefore, under such circumstances you want to remember to protect your thyroid gland to the best of your ability by looking for foods, minerals and other supplements that support a healthy thyroid, especially whenever exposed to damaging levels of radiation. Most people who have fall out shelters usually store iodine for this reason as well.

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cold compresses

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Q: What is the treatment for exposure to radiation?
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In the field of physics related to health, the term radiation exposure refers to people being exposed to radiation either through laboratory testing or in treatment of diseases.

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There are five characteristics of radiation. They are time delay, penetration power, ionization, fluorescence emission and film exposure. Radiation can also be used in treatment by internal contamination or external exposure in case of emergency.

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Radiation exposure safety is the process of preventing or minimizing exposure to radiation, and tracking what does occur.

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The results are called acute radiation syndrome. These begin within a day of exposure. There will be GI tract problems, falling blood counts, neurological signs, even death. You are probably aware of radiation treatment for cancer and the loss of hair.

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While radiation symptoms can occur from a single, prolonged, exposure, the symptoms of radiation are not contagious.

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Badges used to measure exposure to ionizing radiation are usually called radiation dosimeter badges.

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Can your baby die of radiation exposure?

Yes. Depending on the length of the exposure, radiation can sicken or kill any human.

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