

What is the abstract noun for the verb starve?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the abstract noun for the verb starve?
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What is the abstract noun of starve?

There are a lot of abstract nouns, which you know very well. But, at the right time you forget. Starve is one of them. Abstract noun of starve is starvation. You can also check the complete article about noun on

What is the noun for starvation?

"Starvation" is a noun-- an abstract noun. It comes from the verb "to starve."

What is the abstract noun for starving?

The word 'starving' is the present participle for the verb 'to starve', which is the gerund (verbal noun) starving, an abstract noun. Another abstract noun is starvation.

What is the abstract noun for the word starve?

There is no abstract noun form of the verb to starve.The noun forms of the verb to starve are starvation and the gerund, starving. Both are concrete nouns as a word for a measurable, physical process.The nouns 'starvation' and 'starving' can be used in an abstract context; for example:His starvation for affection led him to do foolish things.

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Either a noun or a verb. As a noun, it is of the abstract type, and as a verb it means to exercise the action corresponding to the abstract noun.

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