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Florida resident Billy Mitchell achieved the highest score of Pac-Man on July 3, 1999, racking up a score of 3,333,360 during a U.S.-Canada clash over the Fourth of July weekend. Mitchell took more than six hours to complete the game at the Fun spot Family Fun Center in Weirs Beach, New Hampshire. This is the all-time highest recorded score of a game of Pac-Man. Billy Mitchell is also known for setting other records in classic games such as Donkey Kong.

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Q: What is the all-time highest score recorded in a game of Pac-Man?
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What is the all time highest score recorded in a game of Pac Man?


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3,333,360this is by getting every dot, eating every fruit, and getting all four ghosts with every power pellet for the first 255 levels (after that, the game becomes unplayable).While this might be the highest score, the bestscore is arguably a zero! This guy managed to get a perfect zero score in Pacman by dying three times without eating any pellets: The trick is to move left and right at a rapid speed.

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