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1 degree per day

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Q: What is the approximate rate of Earth's revolution around the Sun?
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What is the approximate rate of earths revolution around the sun?

1' degree per day

Earth's rate of revolution is very close to?

Earth's rate of revolution around the sun is very close to 1 degree per day.

What is Jupiter's rate of revolution?


What is Earth's approximate rate of rotation in kilometers per hour at the Equator?


What is the earths rate of revolution?

Approximately one revolution per day. The speed of revolution of the earth varies with the latitude. At the equator the speed is approximately 1000 miles per hour or around 24,000 miles per day. If you were exactly at either pole, theoretically every thing would be turning around you. Then you would be going no where at no speed. Step off the pole and walk to 840 feet away from that point and you will be going approximately l mile per day or 4 hundredths ( .041666) miles per hour. I arrive at that figure by the formula below which is only approximate because the earth is an imperfect sphere, not a circle, and distance away from the pole is not truly straight out. There is a more accurate formula for figuring revolution speed by latitude, but I used this for simple understanding of the existence of the different speeds of revolution according to latitude. I am just estimating. The earth is so large that a distance from the pole that would have a 1 mile per day speed of revolution has very little error with the below formula. circumference = pi times diameter so l mile = 22/7 (2) radius or 1 mile times 7/22 times 1/2 = radius 5280 ft times 7/22 time 1/2 = 840 ft

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What is the approximate rate of earths revolution around the sun?

1' degree per day

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Earth's rate of revolution around the sun is very close to 1 degree per day.

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No, they are have their own revolution periods.

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