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Q: What is the average amount of alcohol a man can takes in daily?
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How long it takes for alcohol to evaporat?

It depends on the type of alcohol and volume (amount) and environmental conditions for evaporation to occur.

How long does it take for the average adult to metabolize four 12-ounce beers?

four hours

What is the maximum amount of alcohol you can drink?

Whatever it takes to get your blood alcohol level up to about .5%. After that, you won't be drinking any more.

The average amount of time it takes for a hard drive to rotate to the correct address?

Average latency

11 How long does it take the liver to filter ½ ounce of alcohol?

It takes about one hour on average.

How long does the average Japanese go for?

The same amount of time it takes to cook rice.

How many calories do the average human take in daily?

an adult male takes in 2000-2500 calories and an adult female takes in 1800-2000 calories.

How do you get alcohol out of your urine fast?

There isn't anything you can do to speed up the amount of time it takes for alcohol to leave your system. Your body can metabolize about 1oz per hour. You can not sober up any faster then it takes your body to get rid of the alcohol. Drink lots of water, and it will help dilute your urine.

What is Liver oxidation time?

In the case of alcohol this refers to the amount of time it takes to process alcohol into it's metabolites. This is done at a rate of approx. 1 ounce in one hour in most humans.

What is the difference between total daily intake and total daily dose?

The difference is the measurement amount taken per use. Verses the daily intake could mean the amount of units used. For example sally takes a daily dose of 75mg naproxen. The physician just increased her daily intake to two doses per day, so her daily intake is 150mg.

How long after you drink will you blow 0000 on a breathalyzer?

Approximately 24 hours after you have last had alcohol or drank, you will blow a 0000 on a breathalyzer. 24 hours is the minimum amount of time it takes for alcohol to completely leave the system.

How long can alcohol sweat out of your pores?

It depends on the amount you drank and when you stopped (if you stopped). It usually takes the body about an hour to get rid of one beer's worth.