

What is the average for a fashion designer in 2013?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the average for a fashion designer in 2013?
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What is the average wage for a fashion designer?

the annual wage for a fashion designer is 43,000 (starting) - 100,000 (experienced)

What is a fashion designer's hourly salary?

{| The average salary for Fashion Designer jobs in Los Angeles, CA is $64,000. Average Fashion Designer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "Fashion Designer" anywhere in the job listing. |- | == $64,000 |}

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The average annual salary for the job title 'fashion technical designer' is $102,000 in the United States. This works out to an average monthly salary of $8,500.

What does the job of a fashion designer pay?

The average salary for a fashion designer pays around 80,000 dollars a year. New York and California tend to have the highest paid fashion designers.

What is an average fashion designer's beginning salary?

Around 20,000 annually.

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The British designer Pam Hogg sent one naked model to walk the runway at the 2013 London Fashion Show. The stunt attracted attention for the designer buy somewhat overshadowed her designs.

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The cast of The Beasts Fashion Victim - 2013 includes: Gregorius Grey as The Designer Andrea Perigrini Robert Scharinger

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The average model makes between $30,000 - $40,000 a year. The average fashion designer makes around $44,000 a year.

How do you say fashion designer in French?

Fashion designer is "designer de mode" in French.

What does a fashion designer have to do?

A fashion designer has to design clothes, bags, accessories, etc. To become a fashion designer you have to go to a fashion designing school. ---smiley

Do you combine fashion designer and fashion merchandise?

you can a fashion merchandiser picks out the clothes and displays them a fashion designer makes them

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