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There really can be no definitive answer to this question as every Crohns disease patient is physically different and the way the disease affects you can vary each and every time. Small weight loss can occur if your flare up is quickly under control. Many of us tend toward allowing the disease to really get bad before running to the doctors. As mild weight loss is usually part of the results when you are dealing with the pain and the other symptoms, it is often the least of our worries. Over the course of the flare up we lose weight and tend toward dehydration because even liquids can cause cramping signaling a need to run to the toilet. Over the course of a lenghthy flare up a loss of 20lbs or more is not uncommon. If you started at a healthy weight this may not be of concern, but if you were underwieght to begin with, it could be problematic to treatment outside of a hospital stay and IV nutrition.

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Absolutely YES. Constant diarrhea alone can deplete body fat reserves.

A severe Crohns flare up can result in rapid weight loss, dehydration and general malaise. Patients often stop eating for long periods of time to avoid the cramping and nausea associated with eating and even drinking fluids.

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Q: Can Crohns disease cause weight loss?
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What are symptopms of crohns disease?

The symptoms of Crohn's Disease include many. Headaches, stomach pains, diharrea, nausea, throwing up, dizziness, loss of weight, and loss of appetite. These are the main symptoms of Crohn's Disease.

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Yes, it can also cause weight gain. Weight loss could be Lyme, or a co-infection such as Babesia.

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it is an auto immune disease. that makes ur brain think that u have a unknown virus in ur digestive tracks and ur brain makes u have diarhea ,fatigue,weight loss, loss of appetite.

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What is crohns's disease?

Crohns disease is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the intestines. Crohns disease can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus. It most often causes ulcerations in the large and small bowels, typically at the joining of the two bowels called the ileum (located on the right side of the abdomen near the appendix) but can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract. Symptoms include but are not exclusive to, abdominal pain often severe, cramping, nausea, frequent diarrhea, rectal bleeding. These symptoms often result in severe weight loss, fatigue, and depression. Follow the link provided below for much more information. Crohns disease is an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract that affects both children and adults. Crohns can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. The cause of Crohns disease is unknown. Common symptoms of Crohns disease can include abdominal pain and tenderness, diarrhea, anal pain and or drainage, rectal bleeding, severe weight loss, mouth sores, fissures, fever, infections, bloating, gas and rectal abscess. Patients can also have problems outside of the digestive tract, including skin rash, joint pain, eye redness and liver problems. Crohns disease is a chronic illness, medical and surgical treatments can help control the course of the disease, but cannot cure it. Treatments now are allowing many patients to experience long periods of symptom-free remission.

What are the characteristics of crohns disease?

Some of the most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Rectal bleeding, weight loss, arthritis, skin problems, and fever can also be symtoms. Bleeding may be serious and persistent, which may even cause anemia, so you would need your Dr. to do an Iron test as well as a blood cell count for diagnosis. These are only the most common symptoms. If you suspect you may have Crohn's disease, see your Physician right away, as there are treatments that alleviate many of the poblems arising from this disease.

What is Crohn's disease?

Crohns disease is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the intestines. Crohns disease can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus. It most often causes ulcerations in the large and small bowels, typically at the joining of the two bowels called the ileum (located on the right side of the abdomen near the appendix) but can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract. Symptoms include but are not exclusive to, abdominal pain often severe, cramping, nausea, frequent diarrhea, rectal bleeding. These symptoms often result in severe weight loss, fatigue, and depression. Follow the link provided below for much more information. Crohns disease is an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract that affects both children and adults. Crohns can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. The cause of Crohns disease is unknown. Common symptoms of Crohns disease can include abdominal pain and tenderness, diarrhea, anal pain and or drainage, rectal bleeding, severe weight loss, mouth sores, fissures, fever, infections, bloating, gas and rectal abscess. Patients can also have problems outside of the digestive tract, including skin rash, joint pain, eye redness and liver problems. Crohns disease is a chronic illness, medical and surgical treatments can help control the course of the disease, but cannot cure it. Treatments now are allowing many patients to experience long periods of symptom-free remission.

Can Alzheimer's Disease cause weight gain?

Alzheimer's commonly causes weight loss. Some medications that are used to treat Alzheimer's such as zyprexa and seroquel are know to cause weight gain.

What happens when Crohn's disease is left untreated?

Some of the complications of untreated Crohns disease are malnutrition and dehydration. Anemia from blood loss. Sepsis from infection. Complete blockage of the bowel. Crohns is a dangerous disease. Managable when treated but often ignored as recurring flu symptoms and diagnosed late.

How often is bariatric surgery for Crohns patients needed?

The best I can tell you is that bariatric programs with a large number of patients and with long-term follow-up may be able to offer statistics of patient numbers with Crohns. I am aware that a study was planned in 2006 but I have not been able to find the results. Bariatric surgery for Crohns patients would likely be low since active Crohns disease causes rapid weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. Doctors often recommend that patients with severe Crohns beef up a little as a hedge against the next crisis. Morbidly obese Crohns patients are not common.

How can someone with Crohn's Disease and no large intestine go on a diet so high in fiber as instructed in the Win the War Within Solution plan?

You should not participate in FAD diet programs meant for relatively healthy people when you have Crohns disease. A Crohns patient has enough trouble with food and nutrition without playing the weight loss games offered by diet Guru's. Speak with your bowel health team or doctor and arrange for a nutritionist consult. Crohns disease patients are at very high risk for blockages with high fibre foods should a flare up occur.

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Because people with HD are frequently moving, it is thought this continual activity increases metabolic rates and may explain the weight loss. However, the exact cause for weight loss in HD is still not well understood.