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I suffer from RA and have found that there is no connection between the way my RA feels and the weather aside from the fact that when there is stiffness you tend to be a little more tense when it is cold causing pain to be a bit more pronounced..

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Q: What is the best climate for someone with rheumatoid arthritis?
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What disease is best described by chronic pain and swelling in the joints?

Rheumatoid arthritis.

What treatment options exist for someone diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis?

NSAIDs are one of the best types of pain medications for rheumatoid arhritis, most prescriptions are high doses of NSAIDs. Products like Aleve are over-the-counter NSAIDs. For many, Tylenol also helps with arthritis pain.

What is a good online website detailing information on rheumatoid arthritis?

The best websites you can look at to find information on Rheumatoid Arthritis, is However, each case can be different. The best person to find information from is your mother's doctor.

What is the best natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis?

The best natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis are usually centered around the omega 3 fatty acids. Other natural remedies include gamma-linolenic acids, boswellia and devil's claw.

When is the best time for a person with rheumatoid arthritis to receive a rigorous massage?

Whenever She/He feels like it.

Santa give pills for rheumatoid arthritis?

To the best of my knowledge Santa does not have the necessary training to prescribe drugs.

Is that true that urine therapy can cure disease?

to the best of my Knowledge, and I have dealt with Rheumatoid arthritis for many years there is no urine therapy that will help with arthritis. or warts for that matter.

What is the diagnosis code for seronegative arthritis ICD 9 CM?

Without further information, probably the best ICD 9 code for seronegative arthritis would be 714.0, which is the code for rheumatoid arthritis.

Is anyone familiar with a diet for rheumatoid arthritis?

While stopping the intake of certain foods will help with rheumatoid arthritis, you should still discuss with your doctor on what type of diet would be best for you to start. But you can also start eating healthy and add more whole wheat to your diet.

What is the best over the counter medication for rheumatoid arthritis?

Over the counter medications work differently for everyone so sometimes it is better to try several types and see what works best for you after consulting your doctor. You can find extensive information about these medications at

What medicine does Phil Mickelson take for RA?

Enbril. He has psoriatic arthritis. It is also good for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). I have been treated for 32 years for RA, and am now on Remacade, which is the best I have had.

What is a word that means inflammation of bones and joints?

Osteoarthritis is the term for inflammation of bones and joints.