

What is the best coverage to buy for an older vehicle?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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Depends on several factors. Just how old are you talking? Is the vehicle worth anything? It may be eligible for a collector policy if it is not a daily driver. You certainly want enough liability to be really protected(a high amount). If the vehicle is not worth anything according to blue book or collector guides, then comprehensive and collision are not necessary to carry. Greg Nice

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Q: What is the best coverage to buy for an older vehicle?
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Replacement or Additional VehicleGenerally, if the vehicle replaces another vehicle already insured, it will have the same coverage as the one being replaced. However, for comp or collision to continue, you must notify the carrier/insurer within 30 days of acquiring the vehicle. If it is an ADDITIONAL vehicle (not replacing one already shown on the declarations page), you will automatically receive the broadest coverage currently on the policy for any vehicle listed in the declarations page. NOTE that that means if you have insured only vehicles that are older, with no outstanding loans, and you carry only Liability coverages for that vehicle, that is the only coverage this newer vehicle will have. The obvious problem with that is if you are in an accident and the new vehicle is damaged before you can contact your insurance company, there will be NO COVERAGE for the damages TO THIS NEW VEHICLE. MOST auto policies provide coverage for a 'new' (additional) or 'replacement' auto, when you already have the same coverage for the prior car. For example: Let's say I own a 2003 Honda. I purchase a 2006 Toyota on a Saturday afternoon, or for that matter, on a Wednesday morning. If I trade it in, the 'new' car will automatically have the same coverage as the vehicle I traded in, for up to 30 days.

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You are required to have at least Liability Coverage for the vehicle before ytou drive it off the lot!

Do you have to have full coverage on each vehicle you have or is it enough to have it on one and liability on the others and be fully covered?

You'll be fully covered only on the vehicles for which you choose to place full coverage insurance. The others will only be covered for liability losses if you only buy liability coverage for them.

Is collision insurance mandatory on financed auto that's nearly paid off?

most lein holders require coll and comp coverage to protect their (the are co-owners in effect of this vehicle should you default on the loan they don't want to try and sell a wrecked car) vehicle.. if you don't have it and prove it to them that you do have coverage, they will put this coverage on the vehicle themselves (and charge you) typcially at a much higher rate, than you can buy it for, it would be good idea to put it on the vehicle yourself until it is paid off.....

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A driver's license or a learner's permit is necessary in order to buy liability insurance. The insurer's underwriting of the risk is dependent upon some minimum showing of the ability of the applicant to operate the vehicle, and a license evidences that. It is not necessary to own a car in order to obtain liability coverage. Most insurers will sell a liability insurance product that is generically referred to as "non-owners coverage". This sort of policy is tied to the person who purchases it and provides liability coverage for him/her regardless of the vehicle being operated. Other kinds of auto insurance, such as collision and comprehensive coverage require that the person purchasing it have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle. This means that he/she has a financial stake in the continued existence/condition of the vehicle.