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Your best bet is to go to the OTC section of your pharmacy and get a good vaginal antifungal cream such as Monistat. If this does not clear your infection up within a few days, see your doctor for a prescription treatment.

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Try the OTC section of your pharmacy first - creams such as Monistat usually clear up most infections. If this doesn't work, see your doctor for a prescription remedy.

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13y ago

There is no significant difference between any of the commonly marketed over the counter products such as Monostat.

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15y ago

Go to the Doctor.. Also, try some over the counter medications.

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Q: What is the best over the counter medication for a yeast infection?
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You think you have a yeast infection what do you do?

If you think that you have a yeast infection it's best to go to your doctor to confirm - especially if sexually active in case it is something more serious. You can use an over-the-counter yeast infection treatment once you know that it is a yeast infection.

If you have a yeast infection should you go to the doctor?

A yeast infection can be cured by over the counter medication, just ask your pharmacist,, read the instructions follow it carefully, if it has not cleared up within a few days, then you must go and see a gynacologist.

What is the treatment of a yeast infection?

An applied anti-fungal medication, available either over the counter e.g. Monistat, or via a prescription from a physician. It is best to confirm a yeast infection through a physician taking a culture before using a medication like this, however, as the application of an anti-fungal when there is not an infection can cause other problems.

How can you clear up a male yeast infection is it diet?

With anti-fungal medication. Since a male yeast infection is external, you will probably need to see a doctor for the proper anti-fungal medication, since the over-the-counter medication sold for women's yeast infections comes formulated to insert internally (into the vagina). When you have a yeast infection, it is best to avoid foods that contain yeasts, such as breads, pizza crusts, cakes, and basically all baked goods. Also, avoid yogurt, and any other food which contains yeast - simply read the list of ingedients on the package of food to find out. Once the yeast infection is completely gone, it should be safe to eat foods containing yeast again. Yeast infections are most commonly caused by the use of antibiotics, because antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your body, including the "good" bacteria which helps keep things like fungal infections (yeast infections) and other imbalances from occurring. In fact, if you do not have a yeast infection and must take a course of antibiotics, it is a good idea to eat a very small amount of yogurt per day of antibiotic treatment in order to prevent a yeast infection from occurring.

What are some ways to treat a chronic yeast infection?

To treat a chronic yeast infection it is best for you to consult your health-care professional for immediate treatment. However, if the above option is not possible you can treat it using some over the counter medicine.

Can vaginal yeast infection be treated with cream?

You really shouldn't have vaginal intercourse until your yeast infection is completely cleared up. Switch to oral and/or anal sex until then. Tell your boyfriend why, I'm sure he'll understand.

Why does golden retrievers ears smell?

Well, if they stink, then there is probably an infection, either yeast or bacterial. If there is brown sticky like stuff in there, then there is definitely an infection. The most common ear infections are yeast infections. The best thing to do is see a vet, let them diagnose the problem, flush out the ears, and get you medication. I recommend this first and foremost, however, you can get a mild ear cleaner and clean the ears yourself. For yeast infections, I swear by the over the counter vaginal yeast infection medications. It is the same type stuff your vet will give you for an ear yeast infection, however, it does not take care of bacteria if it is present. One other thing you need to consider is ear mites.

What helps with yeast infection?

Yogurt is an effective treatment for yeast infection because of its lactobacillus acidophilus contained inhibiting infection development. Unsweetened yogurt is highly recommended. All you need to do is to rub fresh yogurt on your affected areas and let it dry for 20 minutes before washing off with water.Coconut oil is another helpful tips since it has great effect on fungi causing yeast infection. Just simply, rub coconut oil on your affected area for 4 times daily.

If a man treats himself for a yeast infection how many days until he can have intercourse?

Your best bet is to wait till your finished with the medication. Before then you could just continue to reinfect.

How can you cure a yeast infection in your butt?

good old fashion plain yougurt You might try Vicks Vapo Rub in a jar. or the cream in the monistat yeast infection medicine sold over the counter. You might try Candid-b which is an antifungal cream........contains clotrimazole and provides relief....

Can a yeast infection be cured if you are on your period?

No, a yeast infection can't be cured by menstruation. If anything a yeast infection may be made worse by menstruation because during menstruation the blood changes the pH of the vagina so it is more favourable to harmful bacteria and yeast. Using certain menstrual products such as tampons or commercial pads can also increase risks of infection, commercial pads especially can cause yeast infections as they prevent air-flow to the genitals so making the area warm and wet so perfect for yeast growth. If you have a yeast infection it's best to seek treatment, confirm diagnosis with a doctor ideally (especially if you're sexually active, in case it's something else), and then you can use over-the-counter yeast infection treatment.

Will a yeast infection heal on its own?

No it doesn't, it only goes away for a while say a week or even two and then comes back again. The thing is, if you constantly ignore yeast infections, they tend to be recurrent in sense that you could have them monthly. Its better to seek medication, it would only take one or two weeks of a prescription for it to go away completely or for quite sometime.