

What is the best time to digest fruits?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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first half of your day so you can burn the sugars during work or school.

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Q: What is the best time to digest fruits?
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Is it harder to digest fruits or vegetables?

There is no hard and fast rule. Some fruits, such as apples, are actually harder to digest. Vegetables, if cooked, are easy to digest.

Is it easier to digest cellulose in fruits and vegetables then starch in pastas?

No, starch is easier to digest.

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100 years

When is the best time to eat vegetables?

2am it is easier to digest it the early hours

What breaks down fruits?

This enzyme is a type of amylase. This is the same type of enzyme released by the liver to help digest fruits.

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Fruits grow best in special seasons because that is the time of year the weather and climate are best for their growth.

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Taking a Digestive Enzyme can help with the digestion of fruits.

Is it easier to digest cellulose in fruits and vegetables than starch in pastas?

FALSE! I think (•_•)

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Fruits and vegetables are packed with minerals, and are easy for the body to digest.

What type of food do we digest fastest?

usually fruits, but you can probably find more using google

How does a ferret digest its food?

A ferret has a very short digestive track that elimates waste in about three hours. Ferrets are carnivores and can only digest meat. They are unable to digest fruits, grains and vegetables which pass through undigested.