

What is the best way to ask a boy on a date?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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I myself is a boy so a would say just go up and ask him. Some boys like myself are a little shy around women so even if we like you we might not ask you on a date.

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Q: What is the best way to ask a boy on a date?
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talk to him and get comfortable being around him. then just ask him out face to face. that's the best way

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The best way is to be straight up with him. go to him and ask him. i am a guy and if i like a girl thinks i like her i would want to come up to me and ask me about it.

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I don't know, exactly, but I think you should just ask directly, if that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. Also, no phone messages or anything like that.

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Ask him to go with you to the dance.

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