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sound waves because sound travels faster than water

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Q: What is the best way to send a message to someone sound waves cups and string o shouting as loud as you can?
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Compare and Contrast the sound waves produced by someone whispering and someone shouting?

The difference is that someone whispering has a lower intensity and someone shouting has a higher intensity.

Compare and contrast the sound waves produced by someone whispering and someone shouting .?

The difference is that someone whispering has a lower intensity and someone shouting has a higher intensity.

How does the type of string used in a can and string phone affect the phone's ability to transmit sound?

The string has to be taut or the vibrations from shouting into one can will not reach the other can. In general it is more efficient to just shout directly at the person and leave out the cans and string.

On a electric guitar can i use a b string as an e string can someone answer please?

it won't sound right

Is shouting a sound energy?

Any sound carries energy.

Why can't you hear someone shouting from the moon?

Sound requires a medium such as air to travel through. There is no air on the moon or in the space between Earth and the moon, and thus nothing to carry the sound.

What phobia is the fear of shouting?

Angrophobia is the fear or anger, and Acousticophobia is the fear or sound. Both of these phobias can be specific to shouting.

How does the hammer make a low sound?

When the hammer inside a piano hits the string, it creates a sound. The pitch of the sound depends on how thick or long the string is. The thicker the string, the lower the sound.

How does a guitar string's physical change produce sound?

The sound is produced by the vibration of the string.

How do you get to your ringtones on the kin?

You have someone send you a sound of the ringtone you want and then you should have the option to save it when you get the message.

Did the sound travel better through the string or through the air Why?

Sound will travel better in string because speed of sound on solids is greater than that in air. As string is a solid so sound will travel faster (or better) in string than in air

Can sound pass through a string?

Sound can "propagate" along a string, i.e. travel along the string from one end to the other.