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Cardinality is the total number of unique occurances of an entity (e.g. person, organization, or transaction) that can be included in a relationship. A URI/URL, e-mail, phone number should be unique, providing a high cardinality. This means that each of the entity values would be represented at least once in a relationship. A lower cardinality value would be something like a bit, or boolean value. This value will only occur twice before becoming redundant in a relationship. So a data type value of an integer could be either low or high, depending on what the data is used for. If the values are only 0-6, then there are only 6 occurances of the data, if the field is open to the full range of data then it would be of extremely high cardinality.

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Q: What is the cardinality of a data type eg integer?
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What is data types in oop?

The data types in oops are object creation of type can be classtype some other structure type. eg: ClassOne c ; Revathi

Is void a data type in c?

what is void data type Void is an empty data type normally used as a return type in C/C++, C#, Java functions/methods to declare that no value will be return by the function. The another use of void is to declare the pointer in C/C++ whe It is not sure that what data type will be addressed by the pointer. eg: void *p; Here p can hold the address of int or float or char or long int or double.

Why should all of the elements in an array have the same data type?

Yes all of the elements in array must be the same type. Because when you define an array you specify the type of data it will hold. Examples in C: int IntArray[10]; // an array of 10 integers double FloatArray[20]; // array of 20 double floating point numbers

Explain different data types in Java with example?

1) List the eight basic data types used in Java. Give examples. The basic types are also known as primitive types and when a variable is declared as any of them, the computer creates what you can call a 'box' in its memory that is big enough to hold a value of that type. Eg int x; // at runtime, computer creates a box called 'x' big enough to hold an integer an integer can be anything between -2147483638 to 2147483647 the other seven primitive (or basic) data types are byte - anything between -128 to 127 short - anything between -32768 to 32767 long - anything between -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 float - anything between -1.4 * 10^-45 to 3.4 * 10^38 double - anything between -4.9 * 10^-324 to 1.8 * 10^308 char - any single digit on your keyboard (unicode) boolean - true or false source: charatan and kans Java in two semesters pg 19

What is physical data structure and logical data structure?

Physical data structure: This is the physical equipment involved in the network eg router, cabling etc). Logical data structure: This is how the information flows internally and externally (the transfer of information from one node to another on the network).

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What is datetypes?

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What are different data type in c language?

there are three data type ic c language. they are, 1.primary data type: a.integer type b.floating point type c.character type d.void type 2.derived data type eg; array, pointer 3.userdefined data type eg; structer and union

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Data Type : - It is used to identify the type of data. 'C' Language has a large no of data type, Thus it is also known by rich data type language: Data type are generally classified in three group: 1: Fundamental data type 2 Derived Data Type : 3 Use defined data type; 1 Fundamental data type: Fundamental data type includes i) The int data type: The data type int can store integer value only for eg. 14, 45, 78 declaration: int a,b; here we can store any value in variable a & b. ii) Char Data Type : The data type char can store character value only which is enclosed with single quote for e.g. 'c' declaration : char x = 'c' iii) Float Data Type:

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Yes.Two ways:the data contains non-integer items, eg the median of {1, 1.3, 1.567, 2.4, 5} is 1.567;the data contains an even number of data items. In this case, the median is the mean average of the middle two, which may not be an integer, eg the median of {1, 2, 3, 4} is the mean average of {2, 3} = (2+3)/2 = 2.5

What is data types in oop?

The data types in oops are object creation of type can be classtype some other structure type. eg: ClassOne c ; Revathi

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an integer is a whole number eg 4, 58 not 3.2

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Yes. eg: a fraction -4/2 = -2 an integer

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Any integer that is greater than -11, eg -10, -4, 577.

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No it is not. If it is an integer eg. (1), it is a natural number

Is the square root of an integer always an integer?

no, the square root of an integer will not always be another integer. take the integer 27, for example. the square root of 27 is about 5.1961, which is not an integer.No eg square root of 17 is 4.1231056...

How do you define an integer in SQL Server?

with the keyword int: eg: declare @myIntegerVariable int