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Causes and Effects of Imperialism

Aim: What were the causes and effects of Imperialism?

Who: US, Japanese, French, British, Indian, African

What: Imperial powers and their imposed rule on subject lands & Mixed motives, competition, legacies

When: 19th-20th century

Where: Europe, Africa, India, Japan, Pacific, America

How: Industrialization equipped imperial powers with effective tools

Why: To gain Natural Resources, to subdue potential enemies, to acquire land

Modern Imperialism and Colonialism

  • Domination by industrialized countries over subject lands
  • Two types of colonies (Ruled and populated by migrants & Controlled by imperial powers)
  • Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902) - Entrepreneur and prime minister of Cape Colony
Motivation for Imperialism
  • Economic (Rubber, tin, and copper & Rubber plantations in Congo River)
  • Political (Colonies as harbors and supply stations for naval ships & Defuse internal tension)
  • Cultural (Christian Missionaries in Africa and Asia & Rudyard Kipling: Raised in India and justified expansion with "white man's burden")
Tools for Imperialism
  • Transportation (Steamboat gun-ships reached Africa/Asia & Railroads organized communication)
  • Telegraph (1870s) development of submarine cables, Firearms & Muskets to rifles to Maxime guns to Machine guns
  • Battle of Omdurman, Infrastructure
  • Suez Canal (1859-1869) and Panama Canal (1904-1914) lowered costs of trade
British in India
  • Mughal decline and EIC take over 1750s & Built trading cities in Calcutta, Madras & Ruled with sepoys (sepoy revolt 1857) & Cartridges in wax paper greased with animal fat & Attacks on British civilians & Imperial rule replaced EIC & Viceroy and civil service represented authority & Stamp of British culture on Indian environment & Outlawed sati & Opium and Coffee
Imperialism in Central and Southeast Asia
  • Central Asia (British, French, Russians compete for central Asia & The "Great Game")
  • Southeast Asia (Dutch: Indonesia [Dutch East Indies] & British establish rule in Burma 1880s & French: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, 1859-1893)
Europeans in Africa (1875-1900)
  • European powers seized almost entire continent between 1875-1900
  • Britain establishes strong presence in Egypt, Rhodesia (Suez Canal)
  • Britain seized Cape Colony (Trek of Afrikaners-they went inland and established independent republics; Orange Free State)
  • European exploration of rivers (Nile, Niger, Congo, Zambesi)
  • King Leopold II of Belgium starts Congo Free State, commercial ventures
Significant Events in Africa
  • South African (Boer) War 1899-1902 (Started with discovery of gold in their lands & Britain defeated Afrikaners and converted Boer republic into British colonies)
  • The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) - (European states and the US set the ground rules for the colonization of Africa)
    • (1900) all of Africa was under European powers except Ethiopia and Liberia
Imperialism in the Pacific
  • (1770) James Cook reached Australia
  • 1000 settlers establish colony in New South Whales
  • Diseases decrease aboriginal populations
  • Settlers force indigenous population onto marginal lands
  • Gold discovered 1851
  • Most islands claimed by France, Britain, Germany and US
US Imperialism
  • The Monroe Doctrine: all Americas a U.S. Protectorate (Roosevelt Corollary)
  • Manifest Destiny
  • (1867) purchased Alaska from Russia
  • (1875) established protectorate over Hawaii (Locals overthrow queen in 1893, persuade US to acquire islands in 1898)
  • Panama Canal (U.S. gains territory to build canal)
Spanish-American War (1898-1899)
  • US declares war in Spain after battleship Maine sinks
    • Treaty of Paris- Possession of Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Cuba
    • US intervenes in Caribbean, Central American lands
    • Filipinos revolt against Spanish rule, later against US rule (Philippine- American War)
  • Led by Emilio Aguinaldo
Early Japanese Expansion
  • Resentment over Unequal Treaties of 1860s by the United States and Europeans
  • 1870s colonized northern and southern region
  • 1876 Japanese purchase warships from Britain, dominate Korea
  • Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) with China fought over Korea results in Japanese victory
  • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) also ends in Japanese victory making them into a major imperial power
Legacies of Imperialism
  • Europeans migrate to temperate lands
  • Africans, Asians, and Pacific islanders migrate to tropical/subtropical lands
  • Colonial rule caused the transformation of crops
    • Indian cotton for British textiles industry
    • Introduction of new crops - Tea in Ceylon
    • Rainforests converted to tea plantations
Colonial Conflict
  • Rebellions against colonial rule (Maji Maji Rebellion (1905-1906) & Rebels use "magic water" &75,000 insurgents died)
  • Development of "Scientific" Racism (Combines with theories of Charles Darwin (1809-1882) to form pernicious doctrine of Social Darwinism & Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882))
Nationalism and Anti-Colonial Movements in India
  • Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1883), Bengali called "father of modern India"
  • Reformers call for self-government, adoption of selected British practices
    • Influence of Enlightenment thought, often obtained in European universities
  • Indian National Congress formed 1885
  • 1906 joins with All-India Muslim League
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Imperialism in south-East Asia and the pacific was quite devastating. Most of the citizens were oppressed by the imperial rule and this is what triggered most revolutions and wars.

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its ridiculous!

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The only country in southeast Asia that was not fully absorbed by one or another European empires was Thailand. Japan also avoided that fate, but Japan is in east Asia, not Southeast Asia.

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Great Britain

Which nation took the lead in expanding imperialism in southeast Asia in the 1800s?

France and Britain; although Britain concentrated more on southern and southwest asia.

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For the most part they opposed it. Some of the wealthy connected individuals may have supported it.

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2nd religion, 2nd language, exposure to the culture ruling over it.

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decision to join the League of Nations

What continent found Thailand?

The Eastern Hemisphere, slightly above the equator.

How has imperialism affected Southeast Asia?

Created second languages, second religions, exposed Eastern (Oriental) culture to Western (Occidental) culture(s).

Why did imperialism in Southeast Asia take place?

There was natural resources that were "wealth" to imperialist nations. The area was also a market for European products. With a weak Chinese government in power, it was easy for imperialists to take advantage of China and Southeast Asia.