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Waist pain is caused by many things. I need a more detailed question to diagnose this though. Message me if you want.

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Q: What is the cause of waist pain?
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Can kidney infection cause pain in the rightshoulder just above the waist?

It can cause pain to your mum

Does constipation cause pain in waist neck and knees?

No not normally

Is waist pain a sign of pregnancy?

Waist pain can be a symptom of pregnancy, but it is not a definitive sign. Many factors can cause waist pain, including hormonal changes, ligament stretching, and increased pressure on the lower back due to the growing uterus. However, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the cause of the pain and confirm pregnancy.

What symptoms do people have during back pain under waist?

Muscle spasm is the primary symptom of the back pain under waist.

What would cause a sharp pain above front left waist every time I inhale?

A left pain above your waist when you inhale could be a pulled muscle, broken rib, pleurisy, or a number of conditions. A physician would be able to give you better advice.

What is the cause of Pain on both sides of waist?

if the pain is in the exact same spot on both sides there may be something wrong with your kidneys. but it could also be a muscle pain. consult your doctor and they can test to see how your kedneys are funtioning

What is the remedy for waist pain?

Go to Dr!

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Solution to severe back and waist pain with burning senstion? Name of drugs to use and how to manage it.

What is the out come from scoliosis?

back pain. also, uneven hips, shoulders, and waist. if it's severe, it might cause lung problems (difficulty breathing)

What causes pain on right side of back about midway between shoulder and waist?

The cause of the pain could be several things: an injury to the muscles, kidney infection, gall bladder infection, etc. The only way to know the specific cause is to be examined by a doctor.

Feel muscular pain from waist down buttocks legs into feet what could it be?

Pain that travels from the waist down the legs to the feet is often caused by a pinched sciatic nerve. If the pain is quite severe and ongoing, travels down one leg (not both) and is relieved by walking rather than sitting or standing, sciatica is probably the cause. There may also be an underlying issue with a herniated disc.

What is the effect of masturbution?

Weaken your sight, reduce your ability to memorize(afflict your memory) , cause pain in your waist, harm your brain performence... You'd better not to do it and addict... Told you as a friend!