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Chromosomal disorders are caused by abnormalities in the chromosomes.

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Q: What is the causes of chromosomal disorder?
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What type of chromosomal disorder causes sickle cell anemia?

on the short arm of chromosome 11

Turners syndrome is what type of disorder?

Turner syndrome is a chromosomal disorder.

Is Epilepsy a chromosomal disorder?

No. See the related question below.

Which type of chromosomal disorder seems to have the greatest affect on a Pearsons health and why would this be the case?

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What is the chromosomal locus of progeria?

Progeria causes you to have missing chromosomes in your body function

What are some chromosomal disorders?

The most common type of chromosomal disorder is the Down syndrome caused by an added copy of chromosomes 21. More common chromosomal disorders are Klinefelter's syndrome and Turnerâ??s syndrome.

What type of disorder is klinefelters syndrome gene or chromosomal?

Chromosomal, because the person with Klinefelter's would have 47 chromosomes. A genetic disorder would be any disorder having to do with genes, but would not necessarily mean having an extra chromosome.

Is chromosomal abnormality in albinism?

yes it is. It affects chromosome 11.

What is the mode of inheritance of turner's syndrome?

The mode of inheritance for Turner Syndrome is recessive. Hope I helped, I have to do a project on it anyway!!

Is down syndrome communicable disease?

No. Down's syndrome is a chromosomal disorder. In order to have it you have to be born with it.

Is sickle cell disease a chromosomal abnormality?

sickle cell is an autosomal recessive disorder

Is Down syndrome a genetic disorder or a chromosome disorder?

Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder. It is caused by having 1 extra chromosome (chromosome 21).