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Based on the information given, the bladder infection could be the cause of the delayed period. Also, urine color doesn't matter, but HCG hormones do matter. HCG is only produced when pregnant, and if you got a negative chances are you aren't pregnant. However, you can always go to your doctor and get a blood test taken, and this will help clear up the mystery of the delayed period. Good luck.

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Q: What is the chance of pregnancy if you are five days late but a hpt came up negative after 3 days late but you took bladder infection meds that changes your urine colors?
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No, a bladder infection cannot delay your period.Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, a domino affect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and your brain. Your bladder is a different part of your body and has no impact on your hormones or menstrual cycle, so an infection makes no difference.

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Gastro Intestinal Changes During Pregnancy?

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Any good diet changes for bladder cancer treatment?

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What can cause pregnancy symptoms when pregnancy is definitely out of the question?

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