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Cryolite, a natural mineral (Na3AlF6) is a trisodium hexafluoroaluminate.

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Na3 AlF6

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Q: What is chemical name for cryolite?
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What is the name of the chemical formula Na3AlF6?

Na3AlF6 is the chemical formula of sodium hexafluoroaluminate (cryolite).

The chemical name for mineral cryolite?

Chemically, it is a double fluoride of sodium and aluminum, Na 3 AlF 6 . Its principal use is as a flux in the smelting of aluminum.

Why does an electrolyte contain cryolite?

Molten cryolite is the electrolyte, an ionic compoud..

What is the price for cryolite in the market?

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Which is an ore of alluminum?

For example bauxite and cryolite.

Which are the sources of the element aluminum?

Aluminium is extracted from bauxite or cryolite.

Is cryolite help in increase the melting point?

Cryolite- lit Frozen substance- is one of the two ores of aluminum, a basic metal to our civilization. Both Cryolite and Bauxite are necessary to refine aluminum, plus high quantities of elecric current in special refining vessels- usually horizontal and looking lilke odd pools or tanks. It has nothing to do with Cryogenics- science of materials and processes at extremely Cold Temperatures. at one time Cryolite was thought to be some form of permanently frozen ice-based rock but this is not true.

How is the electrolyte of aluminium oxide and cryolite kept molten?

electrical heating :D

Why is cryolite used in the manufacture of aluminium?

It's used as a flux. It melts at a significantly lower temperature than aluminum oxide ores, but they will dissolve in molten cryolite. This means less energy is required to extract the aluminum from the ores than if they had to be heated to their melting temperatures.

What is the chemical name for nitrate?

The chemical name is nitrate and the chemical formula is (NO3)-.

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What is the chemical name of red pepper?

A plant does not have a chemical name it has a botanical name = Capsicum Annuum.Only pure chemical compounds have chemical names.