

What is the chemical process of photosynthesis?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Chlorophyll =3.149265

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Q: What is the chemical process of photosynthesis?
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Does photosynthesis involve a physical or chemical change?

Photosynthesis involves a chemical change.

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What chemical process do plant use to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water?

Plants use photosynthesis to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water.

What happends during the process of photosynthesis?

During the process of photosynthesis, light energy is converted to chemical energy.

Is photosynthesis a chemical or physical property?

Photosynthesis is a chemical process that turns CO2, H2O and sunlight into glucose (C6H12O6) and O2

What is the process when plants change light energy into chemical energy?

The prodecers use photosynthesis to turn the sun's radiant energy into chemical energy.

Is Photosynthesis a chemical?

photosynthesis is not a chemical but a process that plants use to make glucose using the sun, carbon dioxide and water

What organisms convert energy from the sun into chemical energy?

Photosynthesis is the cellular process that converts solar energy into chemical energy.

What is the chemical process that uses light to process carbon dioxde in plants?

This process is called photosynthesis.

Is the name of process that plants use to convert the sun's energy into chemical energy?


What is the chemical process that changes light energy to chemical energy?

You think probable to photosynthesis.