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Suspect Classification.

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Q: What is the classification made on the basis of race or national origin called?
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What classification is made on the basis of race or national origin?

Suspect Classification is a distinction made between individuals on the basis of race, national origin, alienage, or religious affiliation, especially in a statute, ordinance, regulation, or policy.

When the basis of classification is according to location or place the classification is called?


What is the difference between gentype and phenotype?

the classification of an organism on basis of appearance is phenotype. the classification of an organism on the basis of genetic log is called genotype

What are groups identified on the basis of religion race or national origin?

Ethnic Group

What forbade discrimination on the basis of racecolorreligiongenderor national origin?

The equal opportunity Act

What is an example of discrimination under title VII?

B. Discrimination on the basis of race or national origin.

What American Document prohibits discrimination on the basis of race color religion or national origin?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

What is chronological classification of data?

This type of classification involves classification of the data on the basis of the time of its occurrence

What is the basis for the classification of clouds?

Clouds are classified on the basis of their form and height.

What is the basis for all classification systems?

the basis classification in the past is plant and animal. that is because it is producers make their own food and consumers and decomposers eat their food .

What is the basis for classification organism?

the similarities and differences of the organisms

What are scientist who classify living things called?

not boring! A taxonomist: a biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their structure and origin and behavior i dont even think that is the real answer because it say between ecology, biology, anthroplogy, geology