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The Great Plains cover a wide area of the North American continent. In general, the Plains closer to the Rocky Mountains are dryer because they are in the rain shadow of the mountains; these are the short grass prairies. Farther east, where it is more humid and there is more rain, there are tall grass prairies.

In general, the Great Plains have a wide variety of weather throughout the year with very cold winters and very hot summers. There is usually plenty of wind, too. The prairies support abundant wildlife in undisturbed settings, but people have easily converted much of the prairies for agricultural purposes or pastures.

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The Great Plains is a dry area with lots of open spaces. It is usually hot in the Plains with hot wind blowing.

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Q: The climate of the Great Plains?
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because they grow well in that climate

Where can someone find more information on the Great Plains?

One can find good information about the Great Plains in the Wikipedia article about the topic. It has information on location, boundaries, geology, climate, history and current uses of the Great Plains.