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Q: What is the climate of south america gabon and kanya?
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Climate of South America?

South America is a continent hence each country has its own climate ranging from temperate to tropical.

What is the main climate in the south?

South America stretched down to the Antarctic. Therefore it has a polar climate.

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What regions of what climate zone dominate Latin America?

The tropical climate zone dominates Central America and the northern part of South America. The southern part of South America is in the temperate zone.

What is the average climate of Colombia South America?

Climate in colombia is 39* F

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What are two cities in Africa and two cities in south America that are located on or very near the equator?

In Africa it is Nairobi, and Gabon. And in South America it is Ecuador, and Columbia. By: Christian in Mr. Francis Class.

What the climate in South America?

The climate in South America varies quite significantly. The area near the equator is very warm. There are some areas with rain forests, and others that are desert. The southern area of South America has cool temperatures.

Is the Atacama Desert formed by South America's climate?

No, it is formed by South America's geography, primarily by the Andes Mountains.

What is the climate in Latin America?

The climate in Latin American countries tends to be tropical. There are large areas of Latin America, such as in South America, which are rain forest.