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The climax of the second book is the fight with the two Max's.

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Q: What is the climax to Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever?
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Related questions

Who is telling the story in Maximum Ride schools out forever?

Maximum Ride tells the story

How many chapters are in Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever?

"Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever" has 107 chapters.

What will the Maximum Ride book after angel be called?

Schools out forever

What is the title of the second book in the Maximum Ride series?

Schools out - Forever

What point of view is Maximum Ride schools out forever written in?


Has the movie for Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever come out yet?

Yes, "Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever" was released in 2017. The film is based on the second book in the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson.

Who is Lissa in Maximum Ride?

Lissa is the girl Fang kind of dated and kissed in Schools Out-Forever.

What is the mood in Maximum Ride schools out forever?

well its hard to say its how you ask it.........sorry was no help....

What is the boy's name in the cover of the Maximum Ride book Schools Out Forever?

The boy's name on the cover of Maximum Ride: School's Out- Forever is Fang. He is one of the main characters in the series and has the ability to fly with wings like the other characters.

What are the 8 titles of Maximum Ride novels?

Maximum Ride: The angel experiment Maximum Ride: School's out forever Maximum Ride: Saving the world and other extreme sports Maximum Ride: Final warning Maximum Ride: Max Maximum Ride: Fang Maximum Ride: Angel Maximum Ride: Nevermore

Who is the name of the guy on the front of Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever?

Fang, due to his black hair, black eyes, and leather jacket.

What is the Maximum Ride movie going to be about?

It's about a 'flock' of six kids who run away from a lab called "the school". The kids have wings and can fly. They're 2% avian (bird) and 98% human. Max is the leader, and shes totally awesome. the book series is as follows: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Maximum Ride: Schools Out -- Forever Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Maximum Ride: The Final Warning Maximum Ride: MAX Maximum Ride : FANG Maximum Ride : ANGEL