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The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the result of a scientific drillin project of the Soviet Union on the Kola Peninsula. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the Earth's crust.

As of 2003 it is the deepest active borehole at 8,578 m (28,143 ft) and with a 214 mm (8.4 in) diameter.

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Q: What is the deepest hole dug by man?
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How deep is the deepest hole dug by an animal?

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How deep is the worlds biggest hole?

By "biggest" do you mean largest in volume, or simply the deepest? The deepest hole yet dug is called the Kola Borehole and is a bit over 40,000 feet (12,262 meters) deep.

What is the deepest hole dig by man?

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