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cash crops are crops selled for cash by the farmer or maker of the crops

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Cultivated plants or agricultural produce

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Q: What is the definition of a crop?
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What is the definition for the crop?

One-Crop Economy- An economy that is based on a single crop, such as bananas, sugarcane, or cacao.

What is the definition of reaping?

Gathering in of a crop.

What is crop productivity definition?

Crop productivity is the quantitative measure of crop yield in given measured area of field.

What is the definition of harvest?

The act of gathering a crop.

What is the definition of crop farming?

Crop farming is cultivating land for the purpose of growing crops for agricultural production. The most commonly produced crops are cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

What happens to areas outside of the crop definition area when the crop tool is used?

Modifications to the image (or image layer) outside of cropping area may be either ignored or processed differently, depending on the type of software used.

What is the definition of agroclimatology?

In general, the study of climate as to its effect on crops; it includes, for example, the relation of growth rate and crop yields to the various climatic factors and hence the optimum and limiting climates for any given crop. Also known as agroclimatology.

What is soil conservation and three examples?

i don't now the definition,but examples are crop rotation,terracing,ect.(if u want the definition,go to Soil conservation- is a set of management strategies for preventing of soil erosion

A Large amounts of vegetables or fruits raised by a farmer?


Which crop was not grown in the eastern hemisphere prior to European conquest of Latin America?

There are several crops meeting this definition, corn and potatoes being the more notable.

Is soil a crop?

It doesn't exactly "grow". When organic matter is put on top of it, it eventually breaks down and over time, the size of that area will get bigger. But this isn't because it is "growing" it is because stuff is being added.