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An acid (often represented by the generic formula HA [H+A−]) is traditionally considered any chemical compound that, when dissolved in water, gives a solution with a hydrogen ion activity greater than in pure water, i.e. a pH less than 7.0. That approximates the modern definition of Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted and Martin Lowry, who independently defined an acid as a compound which donates a hydrogen ion (H+) to another compound (called a base). Acids are described by a pKa which is essentially a hydrogen dissociation factor. Acids, discussed here in the general form HA, are proton (H+) donors and the pKa describes the dissociation behavior of that molecule. As a consequence, each acid exists in two species, the conjugate acid (HA) and the conjugate base (A-). When the pH is equal to the pKa of the molecule, the concentration of conjugate base is equal to that of conjugate acid and the molecule behaves in an acid/base equilibrium. A strong acid situation occurs when the molecule has completely dissociated to its conjugate base. As a consequence, every acid is considered a strong acid if the pH is 2 pH units higher or more than the pKa for the acid molecule. The 2 pH units is based on statistics. The best example is that of hydrochloric acid (HCl). The pKa of HCl is around -4. Since the pH scale is between 1 and 14, HCl completely dissociates regardless of the pH. For contrast, acetic acid has a pKa of about 4.76, and would act like a strong acid at pH's equal to or above 6.76, but would be a weak acid at all other pH's.

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Q: What is the definition of a strong acid?
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Whether or not an acid is strong doesn't depend on concentration. Most definitions for acid strength depend on the acid dissociation constant (pKa). Strong acids are generally defined as those with a pKa less than -1.74. Since HCl meets this definition, it is a strong acid, regardless of concentration.

Is it true that a strong acid produces more hydronium ions that a weak acid?

Not really, in the sense that that's not a part of the definition. In practice, it may be the case, but the real definition is that strong acids fully dissociate in dilute solution and weak acids don't.

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Another Answer referring to this as H2S is wrong. H2S is di-hydrogen sulfide {-ide means just two elements are in the molecule}. All sulfuric acids have Hydrogen associated - as in H2SO4 - sulfuric acid. It is a very strong Acid. Acids require Oxygen.

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C2H4O2Acetic acid, an organic acid because of it's carbon, but more importantly because of the carbon-hydrogen structure.HClHydrochloric acid, an inorganic acid and no carbon for a strong distinction.

Is there acid in lye?

No, it is basic, but is just as dangerous as a strong acid.

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The definition of a strong acid relatively is the stability of the conjugate base after deprotonation. The equilibruim lies far to the right of methanol (CH3OH). CH3OH2+== CH3OH

Can you please give the definition of the follwing hydrochloric acid citric acid nitric acid carbonic acid boric acid sulfuric acid potassium hydroxide sodium hydroxide?

Hydrochloric acid is a aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl) and is a strong acid.

How well do weak acids dissociate?

Yes.%Diss./Total = [Acid]diss. / [Acid]total = [H+] / [Acid]total

Is hydrochloric an acid or base?

Hydrochloric Acid or HCl is a strong acid. This is because it dissociates completely in water (the very definition of a strong acid/base) into H+ and Cl-. Since H+ are free in the water it causes the water to become more acidic and therefore an acid. The dissociation coupled with the free H+ after dissociation give it the classification of a strong acid.