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disruptive selection favors the extremes of a range of selection

Disruptive selection refers to natural selection that favors phenotypic extremes. Example (off the top of my head, but based loosely on reality): Consider a population of seed-eating birds with beaks that range in size, so that big beaks are best adapted to eating big seeds, small beaks are best adapted to small seeds, and medium beaks are best adapted to medium seeds. Now suppose that the source of medium seeds goes extinct (perhaps because of a fungal pathogen). The bird phenotype with medium beaks looses its food source; selection favors the big and small beaks.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Disruptive selection means that the most common trait is being removed from the population.

In directional selection means that a population is shifting in one direction toward an extreme trait.

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9y ago

Disruptive selection occurs when environmental pressures lead to two extreme genetic variants to be selected for equally. The peppered moth is an example. This moth can have either a light or dark coloration. In England during the Industrial Revolution, increased pollution caused tree bark within cities to turn dark. This favored the dark variation of the moth, since they could more easily blend in with the dark bark to hide from predators. In rural areas away from the pollution of cities, the lighter moth was better able to blend in with trees and escape detection from predators. This led to black moths being more common in cities and light moths being more common in the country.

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12y ago

Disruptive selection, also called diversifying selection, describes changes in population genetics in which extreme values for a trait are favored

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What is the type of selection in which individuals at one end of the distribution curve higher fitness than individuals in the middle of at the other end?

stabilizing selection

What is the 3 types of natural selection?

Stabilizing Selection-- The extremes are selected against.Example: height; mostly beings tend to the average height- not too many really short ones or really tall ones.Directional selection-- One extreme value is selected for.Example: speed; faster is always better so a population will tend to get faster over time.Disruptive selection-- The extremes are both selected for.This type of selection is not as common as the first two. Example: Prey-type animal with distinctive markings which the predators know will over time move away from the norm in both directions.

What natural selection called at extreme phenotype?

This type of natural selection is called directional selection and does not display a normal curve of expressed traits, but a heavy set of data to the left of the curve that indicates the direction of selection of the extreme phenotype.Disruptive selection is where two extreme phenotypes are maintained in a population. This curve looks like a two humped camel in it's expression of these extreme traits.

What is the type of natural selection that favors intermediate phenotypes?

When natural selection favors the intermediate version of a characteristic, it is referred to as stabilizing selection. It is the opposite of disruptive selection.

What are the 2 things necessary for evolution to occur?

Answer 1Two broad processes that make evolution possible are 1 : directional forces including mutation , migration and selection and 2: nondirectional forces that include random genetic drift , bottleneck effect , founders effect ,and chance variations .Answer 2Evolution is most commonly described as a combination of reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.Reproductive variation in itself is a "non-directional" phenomenon, that produces mostly random variations. Differential reproductive success (or: natural selection) is a "directional" phenomenon, that basically acts as a mechanism limiting the set of "directions" produced by random variation.

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What are the three patterns of of natural selection?

directional selection,stabilizing selection, anddisruptiveselection

The mode of natural selection in which both extremes in the range of a phenotype are favored is termed?

That would be disruptive selection.

What selection favors organisms with phenotypes that are at one extreme rlative to the average phenotype?

Tends to result in a population whose individuals have extreme traits is what? ----> it is directional selection

The type of selection in which individuals at one end of a curve have the highest fitness is called?

Disruptive selection

The graphs of the 3 types of selection and label the average and the extremes?

There are three types of selections. The three types of selections include: disruptive selection, natural selection, and directional selection.

What is the type of selection in which individuals at one end of the distribution curve higher fitness than individuals in the middle of at the other end?

stabilizing selection

What is the difference between directional and disruptive selection?

I'm not sure what "stabilizing directional" selection is, but if you get out a bell curve graph... Stabilizing selection tends to select for individuals around the average, or mean, of a population, which technically makes the curve steeper. Directional selection shifts the average in one direction (shifts the whole curve in one direction). Disruptive selection creates two new averages, which means it splits the one curve into two, smaller, separate curves.

What do directional selection in disruptive selection have in common?

Aside from decreasing genetic variation they both are not normal Gaussian curves. Disruptive selection has two normal curves at either end of the distribution. Directed selection has an abnormal curve with most of the data distributed is a skewed manner from the mean of distribution.

What do directional selection and disruptive selection in common?

Aside from decreasing genetic variation they both are not normal Gaussian curves. Disruptive selection has two normal curves at either end of the distribution. Directed selection has an abnormal curve with most of the data distributed is a skewed manner from the mean of distribution.

Which kind of selection eliminates extreme phenotypes?

disruptive selection

The observation that there is a gradual decrease in body size when a population faces long-term food scarcity is an example of what?

Disruptive selectionNatural selection . Stabilizing selection. Directional selectionthe answer is one of these idk which one

Selection occurs when the environment continually eliminates extremes at both ends of a range of phenotypes?

Stabilizing selection.