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In theatre and film, scenes are set up with language, movement, and expressions to convey certain ideas or feelings. The audience must be able to buy into what the actors are doing in order for them to get the ideas the scriptwriter is trying to convey or the feelings he wants to evoke. If it works, it's dramatically effective.

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Q: What is the definition of dramatically effective?
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What is the definition of effective?

An effective definition is a definition that: * Tells the reader what the word/phrase is, and possibly gives the etymology. * Tells the reader how the word/phrase is said. * Makes it easy to understand. * Doesn't over-complicate things to breaking point. * Tells it to the reader as if they do not know what it already means.

Is this an example of an effective definition An animal is a living creature that moves and ingests food through a mouth?

Among the standards for an effective definition, which you must have studied, one is generally omitted: a definition must be suitable for the audience it targets. Some definitions are fine for children, others are suitable for adults who have a broad general education, and others are valuable only to experts in specific fields. Your example strikes me as one that would help very young children -- if they could get past the words "creature" and "ingests." A more thorough and precise definition, would have to account for living things that differ from plants in their capacity for active movement, their rapid response to stimulation, their being unable to carry on photosynthesis, and their lack of cellulose cell walls. An even more thorough definition of "animal" would account for life forms that do not ingest food through a mouth, the requirement for complex organic nutrients including proteins or their constituents, methods of digestion, and so on. ya this is an effective definition ya this is an effective definition ya this is an effective definition

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why common definition of terms is so important to effective communication. Define a word or term used uniquely in your profession.

Effective length of a beam?

the efffective length of a beam is the length along the beam at which the beam will fail when a load is acting upon it. This effective length is usually near the centre of the beam as that is where the stresses are the greatest. For example a fat chick jumping up and down on the beam would reduce the effective length dramatically as the loads are semi-constant but ginormous.

What is sentence for dramatically?

The main character dramatically won the fight in the movie.