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A flame word is a word that is meant to insult another person, often electronically. Some examples are: stupid, incompetent, noob, etc.

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Q: What is the definition of flame word?
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What is the alliteration for word flame?

Fanny furiously fanned the flame in an effort to get the fire going.

What is the elvish word for flame in lord of the rings?

Runya is the word for flame in elvish.

What is the latin word for flame?

Flamma Flamma is one flame; flames = flammae

Is the word flame a common noun?

The word 'flame' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'flame' is a common noun, a general word for the hot glowing gas generated by combustion.

What is the English definition of the word 'brun'?

There are many definitions of brun. Brun is if a fire or flame burns, it produces light and heat. Another definition is if something is burning, it is being destroyed or damaged by fire. You can also say that it is on fire.

Is a flame a noun?

Yes, the word 'flames' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'flames' is the plural form of the noun 'flame', a word for the hot glowing gas generated by combustion; a word for a thing.The verb 'flames' is the third person, singular, present of the verb to flame; a word for an action.

What word means to shine with a sudden light or flame?

The word flash means to shine with a sudden light or flame.

Is flame an abstract noun?

No, the noun flame is usually a concrete noun, a word for a thing that can be seen, touched, sometimes smelled, and even measured for size and temperature; a flame is a physical thing. The noun flame is sometimes used in an abstract context, for example to refer to an 'old flame', or the 'flame of desire'. The word flame is also a verb (flame, flames, flaming, flamed).

Is flame a one syllable word?

Yes, the word flame has only one syllable. It is pronounced with a single stress point.

What does flame mean in spanish?

In Spanish, the word "flame" is translated as "llama."

What is the base word of flaming?


What is the word 'flame' in Welsh?
