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Innovation is the creation of a new idea or a new device that meets the needs of a specific audience. The new idea or device helps things get done faster and more efficient and when this happens its called being innovative and the idea is a new innovation.

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Q: What is the definition of innovation?
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How can you have an unknown innovation? Innovation means to make something new, ie to create a known from the unknown. So, by definition an innovation should be known.

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By definition an innovation is an important invention, so yes, I would say so

A simple definition for innovation?

A new method, idea, product, etc.

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diffusion of an idea or innovation that is not suitable for the environment in which it diffused into

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Hearth Diffusion is and idea or innovation that spreads outward.

What are the pros and cons of innovation theory?

By definition, innovation is an improvement, so the advantage of innovation is it makes things easier and better. A disadvantage of innovation, though, is that it is change and takes some time to get used to. Some people may oppose the change in favor of the familiar as well.

What is the definition of the word innovation?

just go to and type the word in, you will get all the definitions.

What is the definition of organizational effectiveness?

The ability to create value through control, innovation and efficiency.

What is the best definition of a golden age?

a high point in innovation, technology, education, or social unity

What is the definition of tactical innovation?

Tactical innovation means to devise new and unique tactics or to improve existing tactics by introducing new ideas. Tactical innovation is an important attribute of field commander or an individual overseeing operations at any level in an organization.

What are some innovative products?

By definition, innovation describes a new product, method, or idea. This usually refers to a product in the technology industry, but innovation is not limited to that field. Some innovative products include the ipod, crocs, viagra, video-chat, and wordseye.