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Answer 1:

If you have anyhow thought that someone else either has evil thoughts, either has evil intentions, either has done something evil, then you have judged.

Judgement has a dual connotation. One is the commonly understood "condemnation" but the other is "evaluation of character by evidence" Example: Martin Luther King, in his famous speech, I Have a Dream, said "that all men will be JUDGED by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin" and The Bible also stresses evaluating character rather than by position or clothes or any other outward indicators. John 7:24

Answer 2:

In psychological terms, judgement is the quality of cognitive faculties and adjudicational capabilities of particular individuals, typically called discernment.

Human behaviour is a complex system. When we meet others we form impressions of them. It can be unfair, of course, to evaluate persons based on their behavior on any one particular occasion. The human mind was designed to fill gaps, we assume the intentions of other people when we have missing information and this leads to incorrect judgment most of the time. If you have met a foolish person in the past, then saw someone later who looks like him; you will assume that they both have the same personality.

Psychologists attempt to understand personality, not judge it. The psychological scientist's key question is "How does personality work?". Such scientists avoid more judgmental questions such as, "Do you have a good personality (or character)?"

The reasons is - We are all individualistic, meaning that we are all different in thinking. Our minds are as different as our finger prints - no two are identical.

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Judging others is very bad it get you in a fight or problem

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