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The definition of sliding friction is the force that prevents a sliding object from moving.

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Q: What is the definition of sliding friction?
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What is the definition of fluid friction and sliding friction?

Fluid Friction is friction created by a fluid or gass, and sliding friction practical says it in the name stupid

Which is greater sliding friction or rolling friction?

sliding friction

What are different forms of friction?

Static friction and sliding friction. Static friction is the force that stops a mass from sliding and sliding friction is the force that slows down an object that is already sliding. Static friction is stronger than sliding friction, and this difference is reflected in different coefficients of friction for sliding and static friction for a given surface.

Which kind of friction requires more forces to overcome friction or sliding friction?

Sliding Friction

What is the definition for friction?

a contact force that acts to resist sliding between two surfaces that are touching.

Which kind of friction requires more force to overcome rolling friction friction or sliding friction?

Sliding Friction

Give an example of sliding friction?

Sliding your hands together is an example of sliding friction.

Do you have to overcome static friction to have sliding friction?

Yes. Sliding friction is also known as kinetic friction.

Which kind of friction requires more force to overcome rolling friction of sliding friction?

Sliding Friction

Which kind of friction requriers more forec to overcome rolling friction or sliding friction?

sliding friction

What do lubricants do to friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction?

Lubricants reduce friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction.

Definition of friction rolling friction sliding friction and fluid friction make it simple.?

Rolling Friction is caused by a rolling object such as a wheel when rolling over a surface. Sliding friction is cause by the brishing of an object along with the medium that it is sliding on. This can be visualize by sliding down a hill with a sled in the snow. Fluid friction, by fluid we are alluding to any substance that flows. Therefore air and water for both examples are fluid. When swimming or when is a bird is flying fluid friction is being acted upon them Good luck Stephane E. Fouche