

What is the density of a dogs skeleton?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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The same as it is for humans. Once we are buried, there we stay. Our skeletons remain where we're laid to rest. The same goes for dogs. Unless we are moved by human hands, or in the wild, possibly by another animal, both a human and dog's skeleton stays where he lays last.

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Q: What is the density of a dogs skeleton?
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No. Dogs have an endoskeleton. In other words, their skeleton is inside their body.

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ANY animal that has a skeleton has joints.

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Cats are carnivores while dogs are omnivorous. Another variation between their skeleton is their skeleton size. A cat has a smaller skeleton compared to a dog. The main difference can be seen from their skull. A dogs skull is bigger and longer than a cat and a cat's skull can be identified from the number of cheek teeth.

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Density dependent. Imagine a small room tightly packed with dogs, and only one of the dogs has fleas. Since the dogs are so close together, the fleas can easily jump from one dog to another dog. However, in a large room with only 5 dogs, only one of the dogs having fleas, the dogs are free to roam more and the fleas can't be transferred as easily. Hope this helps :)

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Take in lots of calcium, exercise like running will increase bone density,

Do humans have a skeleton?

Yes, we do since we are vertebrates. Cats, dogs, horses, cows, pigs, deer and many other belong in this major group.

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Where can you find Skeleton Dogs for Chao in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?

you can find them in Pumpkin hill

Can you tell if a skeleton diagram is male or female?

There are many clues that help to determine if an actual human skeleton can be deciphered as male or female. The density of bones and joints as well as placement of hip bones can reveal the sex of a skeleton, although it is more difficult to determine if the skeleton is that of a child. When the skeleton is drawn, however, it is left up to the artist as to whether the sketch is of a male or female.