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HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Like most virus infections, there is no antibiotic to kill the virus; the immune system of the body must fight it.


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It was first recognized in the United States in 1981. AIDS is the advanced form of infection with the HIV virus, which may not cause recognizable disease for a long period after the initial exposure (latency). No vaccine is currently available to prevent HIV infection. At present, all forms of AIDS therapy are focused on improving the quality and length of life for AIDS patients by slowing or halting the replication of the virus and treating or preventing infections and cancers that take advantage of a person's weakened immune system.

At this information AIDS is actually the disease and the HIV is the one causing this kind of disease.
HIV is a virus and AIDS is a disease
HIV is a virus. It directly attacks the body's immune system, making the body unable to fight off infections.

AIDS is the medical condition that occurs as a result of the virus. When people have AIDS, their immune system is not functioning properly. This makes them vulnerable to infections, which may eventually kill them.
HIV AIDS is the virus or bacteria that makes your immune system weaker, the difference between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is the virus but AIDS in when you get the infection like when you can't do anything about it.
AIDS he disease which is caused due to the break down of the immune system and HIV is the viruse which causes AIDS.

By Henry, Omonilee and Daniel from TTI.(PEP))

HIV is a virus, an RNA retrovirus, that infects cells of the immune system, called CD4 lymphocytes. It replicates in these cells, ultimately killing them. Over time, the number of the CD4 lymphocytes are depleted in the body. CD4 lymphocytes are important in the immune system, because they help coordinate the immune response to many different pathogens and cancers. With these lymphocytes killed off, the body becomes more susceptible to infection with these pathogens and more likely to develop cancer.

The state where the CD4 cells are killed and below a certain level (< 500 is the cutoff) is called Acquire ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome, or AIDS.

As you see, HIV is a virus, AIDS is a condition the virus causes.

I hope u will be satisfy with this :)
aids is a incurable disease .

hiv is a retro disease
Aids stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. HIV is the name of the virus that attacks the immune system to the point where the body is wide open for other illnesses. Strictly speaking AIDS doesn't kill anyone, death is caused by any of the other infections that can have their merry way once the immune system has broken down. You can carry the HIV virus for quite some years now(with the help of medicines) before it overwhelms your immune system to the point where you develop the AIDS syndrome.
HIV stands for Human immuno deficiency virus,which is the causative agent of AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome, which is the disease.

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Q: What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
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What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?

The difference between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS. You can be a carrier of the HIV virus and not contract the disease but you can infect others.

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The reason why the doctor needs to know the difference between AIDS and HIV is because HIV is the cause for AIDS.

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HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Hence, HIV in the virus and AIDS is the disease that results from the virus.

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The difference between HIV and AIDS is a number. If you have the HIV virus, and your T-Cell count is below 200, then you are considered (from that point forward, regardless of your T-Cell count) an AIDS patient. That doesn't mean that everyone with HIV will end up with AIDS... but HIV and AIDS are the same thing; the difference is how much damage the HIV virus has done to your T-Cells.

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HIV is the virus that causes AIDS

One of the distinguishing characteristics between HIV and AIDS is?

HIV is a virus. AIDS is a diagnosis. HIV is contagious and causes a person to develop AIDS. AIDS is not contagious and only occurs in people who are HIV+.

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The bad kind. HIV/AIDS. Between 1,400,000 and 1,800,000 adults were living with HIV/AIDS by the end of 2007.

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Not much difference. They are both strains of the HIV virus and both can lead to AIDS and other opportunistic diseases. HIV-2 strain is found mostly in West Africa, with hardly any found in the US and other Western countries.

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The difference between a healthy person, someone with HIV, and someone with AIDS is determine by T-Cell counts. Depending on your level depends on where you fall.

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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition that occurs after someone has been infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus.) HIV uses cells associated with immune function for replication and AIDS is not contagious. Hepatitis is a virus that attacks the liver.