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Characteristics of Impressionist paintings include visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter. Expressionism sought to express the meaning of "being alive" and emotional experience rather than physical reality. It is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form. In short: They are very different, not similar. Impressionism shows the light and color of a subject (landscape etc). Expressionism distorts form and color to express a feeling.

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6y ago

Impressionism was started in the 1870's by Claude Monet, P-A Renoir and others. They aimed at catching the light and colour of a fleeting moment, not really describing things or persons. The impression light makes on the spectator's eye. Expressionism is a movement originating in the early 1900's. Those artists use very strong colours and distorted forms. The paintings want to express the mood and feelings of the artist

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15y ago

Art work is impressionism if it gives off a message. Look at some of the great Impressionists like Claude Monet and his piece Sunday on the Grande Jatte. They had a message. So basically, impressionism, gives an impression.

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14y ago

To identify the different styles you must understand what they try to convey to the viewer- making the identification much easier. Impressionism is a style of art, which attempts to "catch the moment". Their art will be build of quick and deliberate movements created to deliver to the viewer the very moment that the picture was painted at. They also attempt to paint things that are relevant to their time and catch the movements and expressions of the people around them. They describe the coloring exactly as they see them in whatever conditions they are in. Their name "Impressionists" originates from the word impression. Expressionism was created after the Impressionists, and they attempt to "catch the feeling". They will paint the world the way they see it, often changing the colors of the original settings. They paint based on their mood and will try to convey to the viewer what the artist felt about the situation or painting. Often things will not make sense. Their name "Expressionists" originates from the word expression.

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