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Biotic = Living

Abiotic = Non-Living

there is a lot of difference between a thing that is living and a thing that is non living.

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Q: What is the difference between a biotic factor an an abiotic factor?
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What's the difference between biotic factor and abiotic factor?

A Biotic Factor is a living thing and an Abiotic Factor is a non-living thing.

What is the difference between the words biotic and abiotic?

The difference between an abiotic factor and a biotic is that abiotic means something that will never will live or never once lived and biotic means that once lived and is living to this day.

What is the difference between the biotic factor and a abiotic factor?

a biotic factor is a living organisms in the environment and a abortic factor is a non-living thing in the environment

What do biotic factors have that abiotic factors don't?

the major difference between abiotic and biotic factor is that abiotic is the nonliving component of the earth e.g soil rain while biotic factor is the living component of the earth e.g animals and plants.

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Can you define biotic and a biotic factor?

Biotic factor are the living things such as animals and plants. Biotic factor are the living things such as animals and plants.

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What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?

Aboitic factors are not living things. Biotic factors are living things.Parts of the ecosystem that are not alive like the sun, water, or rocks are known as abiotic factors. Living things like grass, animals, trees are known as biotic factors.

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