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Both divide the data into discrete groups or intervals. The frequency histogram gives the number of times the data occur in the particular group or interval, while the relative frequency histogram gives the fraction of times the data occur in the particular group or interval.

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Q: What is the difference between a frequency histogram and a relative frequency histogram?
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The difference between a histogram and a frequency polygon is?

the basic difference between histogram and frequency polygon is that histogram uses bars to show its frequency and frequeny polygon uses points and join its staight line

How are histograms and bar graphs different?

In a bar graph, the height of the bars is relative to the frequency. In a histogram, the area of the bars is relative to the frequency. Because it deals with area, the label on the y-axis is "frequency density" rather than just "frequency"

What the difference between histogram and a bar graph?

A bar graph cannot have classes with different width. The height of a bar graph represents the frequency attributed to that class whereas in a histogram the area of a "bar" is proportional to the frequency, the height represents the frequency density.

What is the difference between between graphs and histogram?

A histogram is a type of graph

What is the difference between bar and histogram?

Bars are for single values or classes with uniform width, and the height of each bar is the frequency. In a histogram, the classes are of different width and the heights are proportional to the frequency density. The frequency, itself, is given by the area of the "bar" above the class.

What is the difference between graph and histogram?

A histogram is a very specific type of graph. A histogram is used in statistics to plot grouped data. It is in the form of a bar chart in which the bar widths represent the class intervals and the bar heights represent the frequency densities. As a result, the area of each bar is proportional to the frequency.

What is the difference between bar diagram and historgam?

A histogram when plotted as a bar diagram, shows the frequency or relative frequency of a set of data. An example of bar chart that is not a histograms would be a plot of the average salary of Americans from 1980 to year 2000. However, if the salaries were broken into groups, and a chart showed the number or percentage of Americans making less than $100,000 and those making more, this would be a histogram.

Difference between frequency table and relative frequency table?

Frequancy Tables only use whole numbers while relative frequency tables use exact percentages or decimals.

What is the difference between an ordinary histogram and a commulative histogram?

the bell curve shape? anonymous

What is the difference between frequency distribution and relative frequency distribution?

Frequency distribution refers to a set of frequencies with a particular set of values into which a statistical population is grouped. Relative frequency refers to data presented in a table that demonstrates the relative frequency of multiple non-overlapping classes.

What is the difference between a histogram and a pareto chart?

Both graphs are used to summarize data. Pareto chart is used to establish differences between different groups of data and will assign relative importance to the different groups of data. Histogram is a data distribution graph that will determine if the particular set of data is symmetric or not.