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A root canal would almost never be done on a Wisdom Tooth. But it is when they open the top of the tooth and remove all of the nerves in the roots. They leave the roots and fill them with a special material. Then they put a filling in the tooth. The tooth will also need a crown put on it to keep it healthy. Having your Wisdom Teeth removed is when they take out the very last molars in your mouth. They are called Wisdom Teeth. Very few people have room for these teeth to fit properly in their mouth. Each person has one on the top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left; four wisdom teeth. A root canal is done to save a tooth and keep it in mouth. The removal of a tooth consists of extracting it. Which is better? Depends on many factors. Can you use your wisdom tooth if you keep it? Will that wisdom tooth replace another molar that has previously extracted? The best would be to discuss it with your dentist.

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When a tooth is pulled it's gone. When you have a root canal the root of the tooth has become infected, the dentist uses a conventional cavity drill to get down to the nerves then uses a very small, flexible drill-like wire to drill down through the nerve of the tooth. Actually, the dentist goes down through each of the nerves since there are usually a couple nerves in a tooth. After the nerves are removed, the tooth is allowed to drain and either a filling or a crown is put over the tooth. The infection is taken care of during this process and the tooth is saved.

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Should you have your tooth pulled or do a root canal?

It really depends on the situation and preference. Both of these options are not a 100% fix. Pulling the tooth can cause complications where there is no supporting bone structure for the teeth beside the one being pulled. This can cause the teeth to shift and it also has a chance of changing your bite alignment. Also if you haven't had your wisdom teeth removed and for example you had a molar or premolar pulled then the wisdom tooth has room to push in and all the teeth between it and the one pulled will shift forward. This can sometimes cause complications, but also could save you spending a lot of money getting your wisdom tooth pulled as it will have the room to grow in place. If you wish to go for the root canal you will be looking at $800+ with no coverage and that doesn't not even include getting a cap or crown on the tooth. In addition there is no guarantee that the tooth would be saved. Complications can occur where the root gets fractured and there is no saving the tooth so you just threw all that money away. Personally in my experience if you come to the point where a root canal is needed, I suggest getting it pulled and save what teeth you can with fillings that aren't nearly as severe. And if you aren't to worried about your complexion in regards to fillings, I would go for one of the stronger fillings like silver amalgam. They can last anywhere from 10-30 years and they are a cheaper material.

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Should you get a root canal on a baby tooth?

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