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In the Latin Church, abstinence means refraining from eating the meat from mammals or fowl, and soup or gravy made from them.


Fasting is the taking of only one full meal (which may include meat) and two smaller, meatless meals that don't equal the large one meal. No eating between meals is allowed, but water, milk tea, coffee, and juices are OK.

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15y ago

fasting means not eating any food, or only bread and water. Abstaining means eating less food than usually and no meat.

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I need to define preoperative fasting?

Preoperative fasting refers to the practice of a patient abstaining from fluid intake and oral food for sometime before an operation is performed. The purpose of preoperative fasting is to prevent pulmonary aspiration of stomach contents during general anesthesia.

What is the difference between tea and coffee when fasting?

One is a Herb, one is a bean... But both have caffeine in it which is a drug that is legal in the US, :)

You are on fast so you cant eat?

"Fasting" is abstaining from something which is hard for you to abstain from. Most people choose food. However, you can fast from anything- TV, computer games, alcohol.. The list goes on!

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What does the pope eat?

The pope eats whatever he desires. There is no prescribed diet the pope must follow unless so dictated by his doctor, He must follow the same rules of fasting and abstaining as all Catholics.

Can you have what you gave up for Lent on St. Patrick's Day?

Only if your local bishop has granted a special dispensation to the people of his diocese. This applies to fasting and abstaining. It is up to you to decide if you can in good conscience break your promise.

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Is fasting and praying a form of worship?

Yes, fasting and praying can be considered forms of worship in many religious traditions. Fasting involves abstaining from food or certain activities for a period of time, often done to express reverence, discipline, or seek spiritual guidance. Praying is a practice of communicating with a higher power, expressing devotion, gratitude, or seeking assistance. Both fasting and praying are commonly used to deepen one's connection with the divine and show reverence and dedication.

What kind of fasting do Muslims have?

for each fasting day, they are not allowed to eat, to drink, or to practice sex through the just before dawn through sunset time. in the evening outside this period he is allowed to perform all activities as any normal day with more emphasis on good deeds, reciting Quran, giving charities, praying in a gathering in mosques. etc. Refer to related question below for more information on fasting in Ramadan and on fasting difference between Islam and Christianity.