

What is the difference between an i-pod and mp3 player?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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MP3 Player is the type of device, I-Pod is a brand name for an MP3 player. EG: DVD Player. Brand name, sony, toshiba, Phillips etc.

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Q: What is the difference between an i-pod and mp3 player?
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What is the size difference between an ipod and an MP3 player?

Well it depends. Every ipod and every mp3 player have a different size. So really you could buy an mp3 player that has more space than an ipod. It just all depends on what size you buy yourself

Is there a difference between iPod and MP3?

nope just has the title ipod

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I don't think that there is a difference. Any iPod or Zune type mp3 player is portable but there are also standard versions of it. You may be thinking of a computer program, such as itunes that is an mp3 player without being portable.

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they are different brands

What is the difference between an mp3 and an ipod touch?

well there's really no difference really its just that ipod is more popular and it has lots of fancy stuff like pictures and sometimes videos. but who needs all that. what you need is the cheapest mp3 player that actually plays music and there you go!

What is the iPod?

An iPod is a music Mp3 player

What is the Different between MP3 and Ipod?

.mp3 is a file system of an audio sound file, which is `compressed' by an algorythm. An Ipod is a type of audio player made by Apple.

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which iPod is the best one to get?

The most basic difference between an iPod and an mp3 player is the format of the music. IPods use music from iTunes, whereas mp3 players use music from other systems, such as windows media player. The best iPod option is the newest option - the itouch4, because it has the newest technology and updates available.

Difference between MP3 player and a MP3 recorder?

The Difference of an mp3 and mp3 recorder is the mp3 is a electronic portable. An mp3 recorder is an electronic divice like an mp3 but you'r allowed to record

What is better an iPod and a mp3 player?

An ipod is a very popular and high quality mp3 player. While mp3 players may be less expansive, you might not get the to notch quality of an ipod.