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A Block Shave Ice Maker is when you get a bigblock of ice and put it in a Block Shave Ice Maker.

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What is the difference between the male and female shaving razors?

There really isn't much difference. Girls shave their legs, thighs, and under their arms. Guys shave their facial hair. Both men and women shave their pubic region by choice but it is typically not standard to do so. Females have a shaved pubic region more so than men do.

How to shave chocolate to put on top of cake?

Use chocolate that is in a block form. You can use a melon baller, vegetable peeler or spoon to shave chocolate.

What is the different between after shave and deoderant?

After shave is perfume only. Deodorant neutralizes & prevents if anti perspiration properties.

What is the difference between a female razor and a male?

Nothing really. Technically, a female razor tends to have a moisturizing stick on it that makes it a smoother shave, but the razor itself is not as sharp and you do not get the same desired results as a male razor. On the other hand, you get less cuts. So it takes more time to use a female razor, but you get less cuts and a smoother shave.

Why do athletes shave their legs?

Athletes shave their legs to eliminate as much wind or water resistance as possible. Swimmers actually see pretty significant decreases in their time when they shave their bodies.

What age do girls shave legs?

usually start between ages 9-13

Is it bad to shave in the morning?

No, it's not bad to shave in the morning. Most men shave every morning if they shave.

Why do the New York Yankees have to shave and have a clean hair cut?

They have a hair code because they want to look like the respectable men that they are.

Can you shave a coconut?

No you can not shave a coconut

When you shave your legs to you shave up or down?

you shave up, but if you would want to trim your hair on the legs then shave down wards.

The sentence of a close shave?

With Burma-Shave, you will always get a close shave. My latest brush with death was a real close shave. Some people like to have a close shave on the top of their head.

What is the best and safest way to shave between your legs and keep it close and smooth all the time like the porn stars do.Is it shaving or do they use wax?

Porn stars shave for a few reasons. Some just like to shave and some have to because the other do not like the hair.