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Blood is the serum, cells, platelets, and proteins, hormones, and chemicals that circulate in the blood stream. The cells that comprise blood include white blood cells and red blood cells. Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes, from the Greek erythros for "red" and cyte for "cell".

Put another way, blood is the whole; erythrocytes are a part.

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Q: What is the difference between blood and erythrocytes?
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Thenoticeabledifference is that bird erythrocytes have organelles and a nuclei, which most mammals erythrocytes don't have.

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Numerous differences can be seen between frog blood and human blood. Perhaps the most obvious is the oval shape of the frog erythrocytes rather than the biconcave discs of human blood. Moreover, the frog erythrocytes have a nucleus (here stained blue) whilst human erythrocytes do not. There is less difference in size between the erythrocytes and leucocytes than in human blood. There are no platelets in frog blood.

What is the difference between physical appearance of red and white blood cells under the microscope?

red blood cells are erythrocytes while white blood cells are lymphocytes.

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Haemoglobin is the red pigment found in Erythrocytes which is responsible for transfer of Oxygen. Hematic is the adjective which means related to blood.

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Erythrocytes aka red blood cells, specifically the hemoglobin of the red blood cells

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erythrocytes Erythrocytes

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I do believe that the answer is erythrocytes. Erythrocytes are the formed element in blood that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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What is the difference between packed cell volume and red cell count?

Red blood cell count (RBC-count) is the number of erythrocytes in one liter of blood.Packed cell volume (PCV) is the percentage of erythrocytes in one liter of blood. Thus, PCV is a measure of the totalvolume of red blood cells in a sample, while RBC-count is the number of red blood cells in a sample, MCV- mean corpuscular volume is the mean volume of erythrocytes in a sample, thus:PCV = RBC-count x MCV

Where do erythrocytes end up when a tube of blood is centrifuged?

When a tube of blood is centrifuged, erythrocytes end up on the bottom of the tube.

What is extramedullary erythropoiesis?

Erythropoiesis is the process by which red blood cells (erythrocytes) are produced. In human adults, this usually occurs within the bone marrow. In humans with certain diseases and in some animals, erythropoeiesis also occurs outside the bone marrow, within the spleen or liver. This is termed extramedullary erythropoiesis.

Red blood cells are also known as?

red blood cells are also called erythrocytes