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Castration is the removal of the testicles from a male animal or person, which is a form of sterilization because sperm can no longer be produced. Sterilization of a male can be accomplished without castration, for example by vasectomy, which is cutting and cauterizing the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles.

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Q: What is the difference between castration and sterilization?
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Difference between sterilization and disinfection?

disinfectant gets most of the viruses and bacteria off of something, while complete sterilization is there is absolutely NOTHING on that object. period. it is generally for surgical use that people sterilize rather than disinfect!

What is the difference between castration and emasculation?

Castration is a general term for the removal of the testicles. Emasculation is a method of castration, (like banding and cutting) where the blood vessels, seminal tube and nerves are crushed--with a tool called an Emasculator--so much that they can be easy ripped off and, thus, removed.

What is the difference between sterilize and disinfect?

Disinfection and sterilization are both decontamination processes. Disinfection is the process of eliminating or reducing harmful microorganisms from inanimate objects and surfaces. Sterilization is the process of killing all microorganisms.

What is the difference between pasteurization and sterilization?

The pasteurization is carried out for a prolonged time at around 170°F and is supposed to kill only heat susceptible organisms and their spores, while sterilization works at a temperature of 250°F and is supposed to kill all organisms.

What is the difference between sanitation and sterilization?

sanitation is cleaning from most germs.. sanitation is completely eradicating the germs so there is nothing living on the surface of the sanitized area.

How did Hitler stop some people from procreating?

Hitler used forced sterilization. One of his better known methods was hysterectomy and in males vasectomy and castration. He had also made use of high dosages of copper sulphate.

What is the ISBN of Castration Celebration?

The ISBN of Castration Celebration is 9780375851252.